Vikipediya:Məsuliyyətdən imtina: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

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k tərəfindən edilmiş redaktələr geri qaytarılaraq MerlIwBot tərəfindən yaradılan sonuncu versiya bərpa olundu.
Sətir 8:
That is not to say that you will not find valuable and accurate information in Wikipedia; much of the time you will. However, '''Wikipedia cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here.''' The content of any given article may recently have been changed, vandalized or altered by someone whose opinion does not correspond with the state of knowledge in the relevant fields. Note that most other encyclopedias and reference works also have [[Wikipedia:Non-Wikipedia disclaimers|similar disclaimers]].
ģģģģģģċwċċweċmybumĊweċċċ457dyrtdrċrydċeċyeċeyĞ''Kursiv mətn''ĞĞ=== No formal peer review ===
We are working on ways to select and highlight reliable versions of articles. Our active community of editors uses tools such as the [[Special:Recentchanges]] and [[Special:Newpages]] feeds to monitor new and changing content. However, Wikipedia is not uniformly peer reviewed; while readers may correct errors or engage in casual [[Wikipedia:Peer review|peer review]], they have no legal duty to do so and thus all information read here is without any implied warranty of fitness for any purpose or use whatsoever. Even articles that have been vetted by informal peer review or [[Wikipedia:Featured articles|''featured article'']] processes may later have been edited inappropriately, just before you view them.