Papua-Yeni Qvineya: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

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k deadlink fix: content removed from google cache, found on web archive
Sətir 3:
|yerli_dildəki_adı = ''Independen Stet bilong Papua Niugini''
|qısa_adı = Papua-Yeni Qvineya
|milli şüar = ''[[Müxtəliflik içində birlik]]''<ref>{{cite web | title=Stable Government, Investment Initiatives, and Economic Growth | work=Keynote address to the 8th Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Conference (Google cache) | date=2004-12-06 | author=Sir Michael Somare | url=http://wwwweb.googlearchive.comorg/search?q=cache:our6ovOe0JUJweb/20060628014059/
| accessdate= 2007-08-09}}</ref>
|himn = [[Papua-Yeni Qvineya dövlət himni|O Arise, All You Sons]]