Günter Litfin: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

Silinən məzmun Əlavə edilmiş məzmun
Redaktənin izahı yoxdur
Sətir 34:
Avqustun 24-də təqribən 1600 radələrində Litfin qanunsuz olaraq Humboldhafendən üzərək Qərbi Almaniya sahilinə çıxmaq istədi. Lakin dəmiryolu körpüsü özündə sərhədi təşkil edirdi və Litfin
On 24 August, at around 4pm, Litfin attempted to illegally escape by swimming from Humboldthafen, a small harbour in the River Spree, on a planned route through a small canal branching off from the river westwards into West Berlin.[2][3] However, upon crossing the railway bridge that constituted the border, Litfin was discovered by officers of the East German transportation police, and was ordered to immediately swim back. Litfin lifted his hands from the water to exit the river on the West Berlin side, and was then shot and killed.[2][3]
On 24 August, at around 4pm, Litfin attempted to illegally escape by swimming from Humboldthafen, a small harbour in the River Spree, on a planned route through a small canal branching off from the river westwards into West Berlin.[2][3] However, upon crossing the railway bridge that constituted the border, Litfin was discovered by officers of the East German transportation police, and was ordered to immediately swim back. Litfin lifted his hands from the water to exit the river on the West Berlin side, and was then shot and killed.[2][3]
Litfin was buried at the St. Hedwig Cemetery, in Weißensee, on August 31, 1961. The presence of Stasi personnel at the burial ensured that the truth behind his death was not openly revealed. According to his brother Jürgen, the funeral was "a farce" since most at the mourning knew that his brother’s death was no accident, and that he had been killed for trying to leave East Germany.