Cənubi Azərbaycan Milli Azadlıq Hərəkatı: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

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Qutlu (müzakirə | töhfələr)
2A02:908:1A65:1B40:71B8:4073:601:7429 (müzakirə) tərəfindən edilmiş 4131044 dəyişikliyi geri qaytarıldı.
Teq: Geri qaytarma
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Redaktənin izahı yoxdur
Sətir 3:
|Partiyanın adı = CAMAH
|Orijinal adı = Cənubi Azərbaycan Milli Azadlıq Hərəkatı
|Loqo = Flag_of_South_AzerbaijanSouthAzerbaijanFlag.svggif
|Loqonun eni =
|Qurucusu = Bir qrup ziyalı və siyasi xadim
Sətir 17:
|Şüarı =
|Üzvləri =
|Rəsmi saytı = [http://southazerbaijan.info www.southazerbaijan.info]
'''Cənubi Azərbaycan Milli Azadlıq Hərəkatı''' (CAMAH) ([[Farsca]]: [http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AD '''جنبش آزادیبخش ملی آذربایجان جنوبی'''] , [[İngiliscə]]: '''South Azerbaijan National Liberation Movement''') [[Cənubi Azərbaycan]]ın ilk separatçı təşkilatı olaraq,<ref>http://www.gunaskam.com/tr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=317 Güney Azerbaycan'da Devrimden Sonra Oluşan Siyasal ve Sivil Teşkilatlar - Dr. Hüseyin İSALI</ref> 1991-ci ildə [[Piruz Dilənçi]]nin rəhbərliyi altında bir qrup siyasətçi və ziyalı tərəfindən yaradılmışdır.<ref name="gunaskam.com">http://www.gunaskam.com/eng/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=140&Itemid=44 The Islamic Republic and the Independence of the North - By: Dr. Nissman is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and the author of "The Soviet Union and Iranian Azerbaijan" (Westview, 1987).</ref><ref name="ecoi.net">http://www.ecoi.net/local_link/180962/298257_de.html Liberation Army of Azerbaijan (Liberation Army of Southern Azerbaijan) (January 1998 - August 2001) believed to have been formed in 1993 in Iran [IRN37710.E] - IRB - Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada</ref><ref>http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=6197&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=217 Dr. Nissman</ref><ref>http://www.myetymology.com/encyclopedia/Southern_Azerbaijan.html Southern Azerbaijan</ref><ref>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061017134505AAbomPV What is your OPINION about this news?</ref><ref>http://archive.is/20121227174257/http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:5RIrD-9sak4J:en.newikis.com/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Log/2007_March_27.html+piruz+dilenchy&cd=31&hl=en&ct=clnk Piruz Dilanchi's name is mentioned in a report by the United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR and also in a paper published by The Jamestown Foundation.</ref><ref>http://co.ask.com/wiki/Azerbaiy%C3%A1n_Meridional Movimiento de Liberación Nacional de Azerbaiyán Meridional</ref><ref>http://dbpedia.org/page/Azerbaijan_(Iran) About: Azerbaijan (Iran)</ref><ref>http://www.iranian.com/Times/2000/Jana/Roodbar/news.html Piruz Dilenchy, head of the National Liberation Movement of Southern Azerbaijan...</ref><ref>http://www.radioodlaryurdu.com/Hist.html HISTORY OF AZERBAIJAN</ref><ref>http://www.travel-images.com/az-south.html South Azerbaijan (Guney Azerbaycan)</ref><ref>http://www.bigsoccer.com/community/threads/is-the-former-forward-of-iran-nt-aziz-a-mongolian.128766/page-2 Is the former forward of Iran NT Aziz a Mongolian?</ref><ref>http://cssaame.com/issues/20/Samii.pdf The rally was for Iranian-Azeri nationalist Mahmoud Ali Chehra- gani (Johragani), according to Piruz Dilenchi, head of the National Liberation Movement of Southern Azerbaijan, cited by ANS televi- sion, January 7, 2000. Baku’s Space TV, January 8, 2000.</ref><ref>http://www.hri.org/cgi-bin/brief?/news/balkans/rferl/1999/99-01-08.rferl.html Eldar Sabir oglu, a spokesman for the ruling Yeni Azerbaycan party, has rejected allegations that the party has discussed with a senior Iranian diplomat in Baku the possibility of cooperation with Iranian political parties, Turan reported on 7 January. Those allegations were made at a press conference in Baku two days earlier by Piruz Dilenchi, one of the leaders of the Movement for the Liberation of Southern Azerbaijan. LF</ref><ref>http://www.hri.org/cgi-bin/brief?/news/balkans/omri/1996/96-09-10.omri.html Iran has demanded the extradition of Piruz Dilenji, chairman of the South Azerbaijan National Liberation Committee (SANCL), and a number of other Iranian emigrants living in Azerbaijan, Segodnya reported on 4 September. Iran has been pressuring Azerbaijan to back up its declared neutrality towards the nationalist movement in Azeri-populated northern Iran with concrete steps. Dilenji, who said Azerbaijani officials have warned him that he may be extradited to Iran, may have to choose between leaving Azerbaijan and halting his activities. -- Elin Suleymanov</ref><ref>http://iwpr.net/report-news/baku-rebuffs-azeri-refugees Opposition parties also accuse the government of using the refugees as political hostages. They point to the much-publicised defection last summer of Piruz Dilenchi, chairman of the Baku Committee of the National Liberation Movement for South Azerbaijan.</ref><ref name="gunaskam.com"/><ref>http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Bswords%5D=8fd5893941d69d0be3f378576261ae3e&tx_ttnews%5Bany_of_the_words%5D=piruz&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=6197&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=bd638dd8c66508cf06af1a433bb12ac2 By the end of 1994, however, several factors--the convergence of Iranian-Russian geopolitical interests especially on the status of the Caspian Sea, Iran's support for pro-Islamic groups in Azerbaijan and for Armenia, and Tehran's continuing unwillingness to allow Azeri-language institutions to emerge in northern Iran--led to the revival of the Southern question in Azerbaijan. In November, a conference in Baku convened by the People's Freedom Party featured a keynote address by Piruz Dilenchi, a representative of the Southern Azerbaijan National Liberation Party. Dilenchi argued that almost 1,000 Azeri youths were being trained by Tehran to foment an Islamic revolution in Baku. He and his colleagues also talked about the repressions Tehran was visiting upon Azeris in Iran itself. In December 1994, the Baku Information Center of the Southern Azerbaijan National Liberation movement released an appeal by Azeri students in Iranian universities asking that Azeri Turkic become the language of instruction in Southern Azerbaijan. - (By: Dr. Nissman is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and the author of "The Soviet Union and Iranian Azerbaijan" (Westview, 1987).)</ref><ref name="ecoi.net"/><ref>http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iran/1999/2-110199.html Piruz Delenchi, a leader of the National Liberation Movement of South Azerbaijan...</ref><ref>http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/topic,463af2212,464dbe402,3df4be444,0.html www.unhcr.org</ref><ref>http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iran/1999/9-010399.html Compiled by A. William Samii</ref><ref>http://www.hri.org/news/balkans/omri/1996/96-09-10.omri.html IRAN DEMANDS EXTRADITION</ref><ref>http://articles.janes.com/articles/Janes-Intelligence-Review-96/BAKU-AND-TEHRAN-RENEWED-TENSIONS.html BAKU AND TEHRAN, RENEWED TENSIONS, Archived</ref><ref>http://www.rferl.org/content/article/1141249.html Radio Free Europe</ref><ref>[http://www.unhcr.org/home/RSDCOI/3df4be444.html UNHCR - Iran: The death of Dr. Mohammad Taghi (Taqi) Zehtabi in December 1998 and the situation of other leaders of the Azerbaijan (Azeri) national movement<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/594537.stm www.news.bbc.co.uk</ref> İranın parçalanması, müstəqil [[Cənubi Azərbaycan]] dövlətinin yaradılması və nəhayətdə Bütöv Azərbaycanın qurulması CAMAH təşkilatının ali və son məqsədidir.