Kokand xanlığı: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

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k →‎top: rəhbər titulu1 -> rəhbər_titulu using AWB
Sətir 44:
|paytaxtı = Kokand
|ən_böyük_şəhəri =
|dilrəsmi_dilləri = [[Özbək dili]], [[Fars dili]]<ref>{{cite web |url= https://books.google.com/books?id=FyE9DAAAQBAJ&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=official+language+Emirate+of+bukhara&source=bl&ots=mPxT-rvdAH&sig=pxjiQdXEzeHX6oRC48G3EVBTgrs&hl=ru&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Kokand%20and%20Bukhara%20official%20language%20Emirate%20of%20bukhara%20%20persian&f=false|title=The New Central Asia: Geopolitics and the Birth of Nations |author= Olivier Roy |date=2007| pages=3-4-10|website= |publisher=[[I.B.Tauris]] |accessdate=23 July 2017 }}<blockquote>.... '''the court language was Persian at Bukhara and Kokand''', in other words the language of the Tajiks, which at the time was seen as the main cultured language. The idea of associating a territory with an ethnic group defined by language was alien to the political ideas of the Muslims of Central Asia. These populations were, and still are widely intermingled, so that infra-ethnic identitics (tribal, clan, locality, family, etc) were more important in determining loyalties than strictly ethnic origin...
Persian was the language of civilisation par excellence from Delhi to Samarkand, passing via Lahore and Kabul, and this remained the case until the early twentieth century. '''The emirates of Kokand and Bukhara had Persian as their official language''' right up to their dissolution (in 1876 and 1920 respectively)</blockquote></ref><ref>Chahryar Adle, Irfan Habib (2003), ''History of Civilizations of Central Asia: Development in contrast '', p.81</ref>
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