Biruni: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

Silinən məzmun Əlavə edilmiş məzmun
k İdmançı şablonu qaydaya salınır
Redaktənin izahı yoxdur
Sətir 41:
<br>{{cquote|"A '''Persian''' by birth, a rationalist in disposition, this contemporary of Avicenna and Alhazen not only studied history, philosophy, and geography in depth, but wrote one of the most comprehensive Muslim astronomical treatises, the Qanun Al-Masu'di."}}</ref><ref>L. Massignon, «Al-Biruni et la valuer internationale de la science arabe» in Al-Biruni Commemoration Volume, (Calcutta, 1951). pp 217—219.{{cquote|In a celebrated preface to the book of Drugs, Biruni says, "And if it is true that in all nations one likes to adorn oneself by using the language to which one has remained loyal, having become accustomed to using it with friends and companions according to need, I must judge for myself that in my native Khwarezmian language, science has as much as chance of becoming perpetuated as a camel has of facing Kaaba."}}</ref><ref>Gotthard Strohmaier, «Biruni» in Josef W. Meri, Jere L. Bacharach, ''Medieval Islamic Civilization: A-K, index'': Vol. 1 of ''Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia'', Taylor & Francis, 2006. excerpt from page 112: «Although his native Khwarezmian was also an Iranian language, he rejected the emerging neo-Persian literature of his time (Firdawsi), preferring Arabic instead as the only adequate medium of science.»</ref><ref>D. N. MacKenzie, Encyclopaedia Iranica, «CHORASMIA iii. The Chorasmian Language». Excerpt: «Chorasmian, the original Iranian language of Chorasmia, is attested at two stages of its development..The earliest examples have been left by the great scholar Abū Rayḥān Bīrūnī.»</ref><ref>A.L.Samian, «Al-Biruni» in Helaine Selin (ed.), "Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western cultures «, Springer, 1997. excerpt from page 157: „his native language was the Khwarizmian dialect“</ref><ref name="EIs">D.J. Boilot, „Al-Biruni (Beruni), Abu’l Rayhan Muhammad b. Ahmad“, in [[Encyclopaedia of Islam]] (Leiden), New Ed., vol.1:1236-1238. Excerpt 1: '''He was born of an Iranian family''' in 362/973 (according to al-Ghadanfar, on 3 Dhu’l-Hididja/ 4 September — see Eduard Sachau, Chronology, xivxvi), in the suburb (birun) of Kath, capital of Khwarizm». Excerpt 2:"was one of the greatest scholars of mediaeval Islam, and certainly the most original and profound. He was equally well versed in the mathematical, astronomic, physical and natural sciences and also distinguished himself as a geographer and historian, chronologist and linguist and as an impartial observer of customs and creeds. He is known as al-Ustdadh, «the Master»</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=|title= Pi: A Source Book|author= J.L. Berggren, Jonathan Borwein, Peter Borwein|date= 2014 |website=|publisher=Springer|accessdate=2017-07-16 |lang=en}}{{cquote|The '''Persian''' polymath, al-Birüni, a younger contemporary of Abu'l-Wafa', calculated the perimeters of inscribed and ..."}}</ref> ensiklopediyaçı alim və mütəfəkkiri.
== Həyatı ==
Əl-Biruni [[4 sentyabr]] [[973]]-cü ildə [[Xarəzm]]də anadan olmuşdur.
== Elmi fəaliyyəti ==