Axeya knyazlığı: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

Silinən məzmun Əlavə edilmiş məzmun
Teq: 2017 viki-mətn redaktoru
Teq: 2017 viki-mətn redaktoru
Sətir 7:
== Ədəbiyyat ==
* {{Cite book |firstlast=SergeySkazin |lastfirst=SkazinSergey |editor-first=Yaqub |editor-last=Mahmudov |editor-link=Yaqub Mahmudov |title=Orta əsrlər tarixi |volume=I cild |chapter=18-ci fasil – Qərbi Avropada kilsə və onun təşgili. Xalq təriqətçilik hərəkatları |language=az }}
* {{Cite book |last=Qoryanov |first=V. T. |title=К вопросу об общественно-политическом строе Латинской империи  |url= |title=Византийский Временник |year=1958 |issue-14 |page=85—96 |archive-url= |archive-date=25 fevral 2010 |language=ru }}
* {{Cite book |last=Karpov |first=S. P. |title=Латинская Романия |location=Sankt-Peterburq |publisher=Алетейя |year=2000 |isbn=5-89329-247-2 |language=ru }}
* {{Cite book |title=Культура Византии: XIII — первая половина XV в |location=Moskva |publisher=Наука |year=1991 |isbn=5-02-009078-6 |language=ru }}
|тираж = 11 000
* {{Книга:Ле Гофф Ж.: Людовик IX Святой}}
* {{Cite book |url= |chapter=Морейская Хроника |title=Сборник документов по социально-экономической истории Византии |editor-first=V. T. |editor-last=Qoryanov |location=Moskva |publisher=Академия Наук СССР |location=Moskva |year=1951 |language=ru }}
* {{Cite book |last=Skazin |first=Sergey |title=История Византии |url= |location=Moskva |publisher=Наука |year=1967 |volume=III |language=ru }}
* {{Cite book |first1=N. |last1=Hooper |last2=Bennett |first2=M. |title=The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare |location=Cambridge |publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=1996|isbn=0521440491|url= |language=en }}
* {{Cite book |last=Uspenski |first=F. İ. |title=История Византийской империи. В 5 т|volume= 5|url= |chapter=Отдел VIII. Ласкари и Палеологи |location=Moskva |publisher=АСТ, Астрель|year=2005|isbn=5-271-03856-4 |language=ru }}
* {{Cite book |last1=Andrews |first1=K. |last2=Bugh |first2=G. R.|title=Castles of the Morea|publisher=American School of Classical Studies at Athens|year=2006 |isbn= 978-0-87-661406-8 |url= |language=en }}
* {{Cite book |last=Bartusis |first=M. C.|title=The Late Byzantine Army: arms and society, 1204-1453 |location=Philadelphia|publisher=University of Pennsylvania Press|year=1997 |isbn=0812216202|ref=Bartusis|url= |language=en }}
* {{Cite book |last=Jacoby |first=D.|title=La féodalité en Grèce médiévale: les «Assises de Romanie», sources, application et diffusion |location=Paris|publisher=La Haye|year=1971|isbn=978-3-11-127427-0 |language=fr }}
* {{Cite book |last=Lock |first=P.|title=The Franks in the Aegean, 1204-1500|location=London|publisher=Longman|year=1995 |isbn=0582051401 |language=en }}
* {{Cite book |last=Riley-Smith |first=J.|title=The Oxford History of the Crusades|location=|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2002 |isbn= 978-0-87-661406-8|ref=Riley-Smith J.|url= |language=en }}
* {{Cite book |last=Miller |first=W.|title=The Latins in the Levant : a history of Frankish Greece (1204-1566) |location=Paris|publisher=New York: E.P. Dutton and Company|year=1908 |language=en }}
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