Elşad Qurbanov: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

Silinən məzmun Əlavə edilmiş məzmun
Redaktənin izahı yoxdur
Sətir 131:
* Biomonitoring of trace metals and air qualitu in Baku city, Azerbaijan, using Ligustrum japonicum L. (Oleaceae). Научные труды Института Ботаники НАНА XXXII том. Баку-Элм, 2012.
* Lead accumulation and response of antioxsidant enzymes of Ligustrum japonicum in uran atmosphere of Baku city. Вестник Бакинского Государственного Университета. Серия естественных наук. № 3. Баку, 2012.
* 45. Change of the morpho-anatomical structure of laves of Ligustrum japonicum and Olea europea caused by heavy metal pollution. Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research. 2 (2) 2013.
* 46. Physiological and Morphological Changes of Urban Trees as Ecological Indicators of Heavy Metal Stress. International Caucasian Forestry Symposium. Abstract book. October 24–26, Artvin-Turkey, 2013.
* Antioxidant enzymes, fluctuating asymmetry and Morphological Changes of Urban Trees as Ecological Indicators of Heavy Metal Stress. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care. Issue 3, February.2013.
* Brioindication of trace metal pollution in the atmosphere of Baku city using Ligustrum japonicum, Olea europea, and Pyracantha coccinea Leaves. Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management. Volume, 00(00). 2013.