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Rescuing 1 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.8.5
Sətir 18:
== Xarici keçidlər ==
* {{cite news |first = Charlotte|last = Bailey|title = Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases|url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/debates/3394545/Oxford-compiles-list-of-top-ten-irritating-phrases.html|work = [[The Daily Telegraph]]|date = 7 November 2008|quote = 10 - It's not rocket science|ref = Bailey}}
* {{cite web|url = http://www.myfuture.com/careers/education/aerospace-engineers_17-2011.00|title = Entry education, Aerospace Engineers|publisher = myfuture.com|ref = myfuture.com|access-date = 2021-10-25|archive-date = 2015-06-22|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20150622062918/http://www.myfuture.com/careers/education/aerospace-engineers_17-2011.00|url-status = dead}}
* {{cite web|url = https://aerodynamicadvisory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/AeroDynamic-Teal_Global-Aerospace-Industry_16July2018.pdf|title = The Global Aerospace Industry Size & Country Rankings|date = 16 July 2018|publisher = The Teal Group / AeroDynamic Advisory|author = Richard Aboulafia, Kevin Michaels|ref = Aboulafia, Michaels }}
* {{cite web|title = Sir George Cayley (British Inventor and Scientist)|url = http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/100795/Sir-George-Cayley-6th-Baronet|publisher = Britannica|date = n.d.|quote = English pioneer of aerial navigation and aeronautical engineering and designer of the first successful glider to carry a human being aloft.|ref = Cayley}}