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Silinən məzmun Əlavə edilmiş məzmun
Sətir 29:
ABV qarın aortasının cüt şaxələrinə uyğun venaları və qaraciyər venalarını qəbul edir.
{{ABV-nin qəbul etdiyi venalar}}
==Pathologies associated with the IVC==
Health problems attributed to the IVC are most often associated with it being compressed (ruptures are rare because it has a low intraluminal [[pressure]]). Typical sources of external pressure are an enlarged [[aorta]] ([[abdominal aortic aneurysm]]), the [[pregnant|gravid]] [[uterus]] ([[aortocaval compression syndrome]]) and abdominal maligancies, such as [[colorectal cancer]], [[renal cell carcinoma]] and [[ovarian cancer]]. Since the inferior vena cava is primarily a right-sided structure, unconscious pregnant females should be turned on to their left side (the [[recovery position]]), to relieve pressure on it and facilitate venous return. In rare cases, straining associated with [[defecation]] can lead to restricted blood flow through the IVC and result in [[fainting|syncope]] (fainting).<ref>Brophy CM, Evans L, Sumpio BE. Defecation syncope secondary to functional inferior vena caval obstruction during a Valsalva maneuver. Ann Vasc Surg. 1993 Jul;7(4):374-7. PMID 8268080.</ref>
Occlusion of the IVC is rare, but considered life-threatening and is an emergency. It is associated with [[deep vein thrombosis]], [[IVC filter]]s, [[liver transplantation]] and instrumentation (e.g. [[catheter]] in the [[femoral vein]]).<ref>Geehan DM, Inferior Vena Caval Thrombosis, emedicine.com, URL: http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2718.htm, Accessed: August 3, 2005.</ref>