Şablon:Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ



  • Important: Please enter all numeric values in a raw, unformatted fashion. References and {{citation needed}} tags are to be included in their respective section footnotes field. Numeric values that are not "raw" may create an "Expression error". Raw values will be automatically formatted by the template. If you find a raw value is not formatted in your usage of the template, please post a notice on the discussion page for this template.
  • An expression error may also occur when any coordinate parameter has a value, but one or more coordinate parameters are blank or invalid.

Basic blank template, ready to cut and paste. See the next section for a copy of the template with all parameters and comments. See the table below that for a full description of each parameter.

Metrik vahidlərdən istifadə

{{Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
|name                    = 
|native_name             = 
|native_name_lang        = <!-- ISO 639-1 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead -->
|settlement_type         = 
|image_skyline           = 
|imagesize               = 
|image_alt               = 
|image_caption           = 
|image_flag              = 
|flag_alt                = 
|image_seal              = 
|seal_alt                = 
|image_shield            = 
|shield_alt              = 
|etymology               = 
|nickname                = 
|motto                   = 
|image_map               = 
|map_alt                 = 
|map_caption             = 
|pushpin_map             = 
|pushpin_map_alt         = 
|pushpin_map_caption     = 
|pushpin_label_position  = 
|coordinates             = <!-- {{coord|latitude|longitude|type:city|display=inline,title}} -->
|coor_pinpoint           = 
|coordinates_footnotes   = 
|subdivision_type        = Country
|subdivision_name        = 
|subdivision_type1       = 
|subdivision_name1       = 
|subdivision_type2       = 
|subdivision_name2       = 
|subdivision_type3       = 
|subdivision_name3       = 
|established_title       = 
|established_date        = 
|founder                 = 
|seat_type               = 
|seat                    = 
|government_footnotes    = 
|government_type         = 
|governing_body          = 
|leader_party            = 
|leader_title            = 
|leader_name             = 
|leader_title1           = 
|leader_name1            = 
|leader_title2           = 
|leader_name2            = 
|leader_title3           = 
|leader_name3            = 
|leader_title4           = 
|leader_name4            = 
|unit_pref               = Metric
<!-- ALL fields with measurements have automatic unit conversion -->
<!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
|area_footnotes          = 
|area_urban_footnotes    = <!-- <ref> </ref> -->
|area_rural_footnotes    = <!-- <ref> </ref> -->
|area_metro_footnotes    = <!-- <ref> </ref> -->
|area_note               = 
|area_water_percent      = 
|area_rank               = 
|area_blank1_title       = 
|area_blank2_title       = 
<!-- square kilometers -->
|area_total_km2          = 
|area_land_km2           = 
|area_water_km2          = 
|area_urban_km2          = 
|area_rural_km2          = 
|area_metro_km2          = 
|area_blank1_km2         = 
|area_blank2_km2         = 
<!-- hectares -->
|area_total_ha           = 
|area_land_ha            = 
|area_water_ha           = 
|area_urban_ha           = 
|area_rural_ha           = 
|area_metro_ha           = 
|area_blank1_ha          = 
|area_blank2_ha          = 
|length_km               = 
|width_km                = 
|dimensions_footnotes    = 
|elevation_footnotes     = 
|elevation_m             = 
|population_footnotes    = 
|population_as_of        = 
|population_total        = 
|population_density_km2  = auto
|population_note         = 
|population_demonym      = 
|timezone1               = 
|utc_offset1             = 
|timezone1_DST           = 
|utc_offset1_DST         = 
|postal_code_type        = 
|postal_code             = 
|area_code_type          = 
|area_code               = 
|area_codes              = <!-- for multiple area codes -->
|iso_code                = 
|website                 = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
|module                  = 
|footnotes               = 

Using non-metric units

{{Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
|name                    = 
|native_name             = 
|native_name_lang        = <!-- ISO 639-1 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead -->
|settlement_type         = 
|image_skyline           = 
|imagesize               = 
|image_alt               = 
|image_caption           = 
|image_flag              = 
|flag_alt                = 
|image_seal              = 
|seal_alt                = 
|image_shield            = 
|shield_alt              = 
|etymology               = 
|nickname                = 
|motto                   = 
|image_map               = 
|map_alt                 = 
|map_caption             = 
|pushpin_map             = 
|pushpin_map_alt         = 
|pushpin_map_caption     = 
|pushpin_label_position  = 
|coordinates             = <!-- {{coord|latitude|longitude|type:city|display=inline,title}} -->
|coor_pinpoint           = 
|coordinates_footnotes   = 
|subdivision_type        = Country
|subdivision_name        = 
|subdivision_type1       = 
|subdivision_name1       = 
|subdivision_type2       = 
|subdivision_name2       = 
|subdivision_type3       = 
|subdivision_name3       = 
|established_title       = 
|established_date        = 
|founder                 = 
|seat_type               = 
|seat                    = 
|government_footnotes    = 
|leader_party            = 
|leader_title            = 
|leader_name             = 
|unit_pref               = US<!-- or UK -->
<!-- ALL fields with measurements have automatic unit conversion -->
<!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
|area_footnotes          = 
|area_urban_footnotes    = <!-- <ref> </ref> -->
|area_rural_footnotes    = <!-- <ref> </ref> -->
|area_metro_footnotes    = <!-- <ref> </ref> -->
|area_note               = 
|area_water_percent      = 
|area_rank               = 
|area_blank1_title       = 
|area_blank2_title       = 
<!-- square miles -->
|area_total_sq_mi        = 
|area_land_sq_mi         = 
|area_water_sq_mi        = 
|area_urban_sq_mi        = 
|area_rural_sq_mi        = 
|area_metro_sq_mi        = 
|area_blank1_sq_mi       = 
|area_blank2_sq_mi       = 
<!-- acres -->
|area_total_acre         = 
|area_land_acre          = 
|area_water_acre         = 
|area_urban_acre         = 
|area_rural_acre         = 
|area_metro_acre         = 
|area_blank1_acre        = 
|area_blank2_acre        = 
|length_mi               = 
|width_mi                = 
|dimensions_footnotes    = 
|elevation_footnotes     = 
|elevation_ft            = 
|population_footnotes    = 
|population_as_of        = 
|population_total        = 
|population_density_sq_mi = auto
|population_note         = 
|population_demonym      = 
|timezone1               = 
|utc_offset1             = 
|timezone1_DST           = 
|utc_offset1_DST         = 
|postal_code_type        = 
|postal_code             = 
|area_code_type          = 
|area_code               = 
|iso_code                = 
|website                 = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
|module                  = 
|footnotes               = 

Short version

{{Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
|name                    = 
|native_name             = 
|native_name_lang        = <!-- ISO 639-1 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead -->
|settlement_type         = 
|image_skyline           = 
|imagesize               = 
|image_alt               = 
|image_caption           = 
|etymology               = 
|nickname                = 
|coordinates             = <!-- {{Coord}} -->
|population_total        = 
|subdivision_type        = Country
|subdivision_name        = 
|subdivision_type1       = 
|subdivision_name1       = 
|subdivision_type2       = 
|subdivision_name2       = 
|website                 = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->

Complete empty syntax, with comments


This copy of the template lists all parameters except for some of the repeating numbered parameters which are noted in the comments. Comments here should be brief; see the table below for full descriptions of each parameter.

{{Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
| name                    = <!-- at least one of the first two fields must be filled in -->
| official_name           = 
| native_name             = <!-- if different from the English name -->
| native_name_lang        = <!-- ISO 639-1 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead -->
| other_name              = 
| settlement_type         = <!-- such as Town, Village, City, Borough etc. -->
<!-- transliteration(s) -->
| translit_lang1          = 
| translit_lang1_type     = 
| translit_lang1_info     = 
| translit_lang1_type1    = 
| translit_lang1_info1    = 
| translit_lang1_type2    = 
| translit_lang1_info2    = <!-- etc., up to translit_lang1_type6 / translit_lang1_info6 -->
| translit_lang2          = 
| translit_lang2_type     = 
| translit_lang2_info     = 
| translit_lang2_type1    = 
| translit_lang2_info1    = 
| translit_lang2_type2    = 
| translit_lang2_info2    = <!-- etc., up to translit_lang2_type6 / translit_lang2_info6 -->
<!-- images, nickname, motto -->
| image_skyline           = 
| imagesize               = 
| image_alt               = 
| image_caption           = 
| image_flag              = 
| flag_size               = 
| flag_alt                = 
| flag_border             = 
| flag_link               = 
| image_seal              = 
| seal_size               = 
| seal_alt                = 
| seal_link               = 
| seal_type               = 
| image_shield            = 
| shield_size             = 
| shield_alt              = 
| shield_link             = 
| image_blank_emblem      = 
| blank_emblem_type       = 
| blank_emblem_size       = 
| blank_emblem_alt        = 
| blank_emblem_link       = 
| etymology               = 
| nickname                = 
| nicknames               = 
| motto                   = 
| mottoes                 = 
| anthem                  = 
<!-- maps and coordinates -->
| image_map               = 
| mapsize                 = 
| map_alt                 = 
| map_caption             = 
| image_map1              = 
| mapsize1                = 
| map_alt1                = 
| map_caption1            = 
| pushpin_map             = <!-- name of a location map as per Template:Location_map -->
| pushpin_mapsize         = 
| pushpin_map_alt         = 
| pushpin_map_caption     = 
| pushpin_map_caption_notsmall = 
| pushpin_label           = <!-- only necessary if "name" or "official_name" are too long -->
| pushpin_label_position  = <!-- position of the pushpin label: left, right, top, bottom, none -->
| pushpin_outside         = 
| pushpin_relief          = 
| pushpin_image           = 
| pushpin_overlay         = 
| coordinates             = <!-- {{Coord}} -->
| coor_pinpoint           = <!-- to specify exact location of coordinates (was coor_type) -->
| coordinates_footnotes   = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| grid_name               = <!-- name of a regional grid system -->
| grid_position           = <!-- position on the regional grid system -->
<!-- location -->
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = <!-- the name of the country -->
| subdivision_type1       = 
| subdivision_name1       = 
| subdivision_type2       = 
| subdivision_name2       = <!-- etc., subdivision_type6 / subdivision_name6 -->
<!-- established -->
| established_title       = <!-- Founded -->
| established_date        = <!-- requires established_title= -->
| established_title1      = <!-- Incorporated (town) -->
| established_date1       = <!-- requires established_title1= -->
| established_title2      = <!-- Incorporated (city) -->
| established_date2       = <!-- requires established_title2= -->
| established_title3      = 
| established_date3       = <!-- requires established_title3= -->
| established_title4      = 
| established_date4       = <!-- requires established_title4= -->
| established_title5      = 
| established_date5       = <!-- requires established_title5= -->
| established_title6      = 
| established_date6       = <!-- requires established_title6= -->
| established_title7      = 
| established_date7       = <!-- requires established_title7= -->
| extinct_title           = 
| extinct_date            = 
| founder                 = 
| named_for               = 
<!-- seat, smaller parts -->
| seat_type               = <!-- defaults to: Seat -->
| seat                    = 
| seat1_type              = <!-- defaults to: Former seat -->
| seat1                   = 
| parts_type              = <!-- defaults to: Boroughs -->
| parts_style             = <!-- list, coll (collapsed list), para (paragraph format) -->
| parts                   = <!-- parts text, or header for parts list -->
| p1                      = 
| p2                      = <!-- etc., up to p50: for separate parts to be listed-->
<!-- government type, leaders -->
| government_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| government_type         = 
| governing_body          = 
| leader_party            = 
| leader_title            = 
| leader_name             = <!-- add &amp;nbsp; (no-break space) to disable automatic links -->
| leader_title1           = 
| leader_name1            = <!-- etc., up to leader_title4 / leader_name4 -->
<!-- display settings -->
| total_type              = <!-- to set a non-standard label for total area and population rows -->
| unit_pref               = <!-- enter: Imperial, to display imperial before metric -->
<!-- area -->
| area_footnotes          = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| dunam_link              = <!-- If dunams are used, this specifies which dunam to link. -->
| area_total_km2          = <!-- ALL fields with measurements have automatic unit conversion -->
| area_total_sq_mi        = <!-- see table @ Template:Infobox settlement for details -->
| area_total_ha           = 
| area_total_acre         = 
| area_total_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_land_km2           = 
| area_land_sq_mi         = 
| area_land_ha            = 
| area_land_acre          = 
| area_land_dunam         = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_water_km2          = 
| area_water_sq_mi        = 
| area_water_ha           = 
| area_water_acre         = 
| area_water_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_water_percent      = 
| area_urban_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| area_urban_km2          = 
| area_urban_sq_mi        = 
| area_urban_ha           = 
| area_urban_acre         = 
| area_urban_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_rural_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| area_rural_km2          = 
| area_rural_sq_mi        = 
| area_rural_ha           = 
| area_rural_acre         = 
| area_rural_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_metro_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| area_metro_km2          = 
| area_metro_sq_mi        = 
| area_metro_ha           = 
| area_metro_acre         = 
| area_metro_dunam        = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_rank               = 
| area_blank1_title       = 
| area_blank1_km2         = 
| area_blank1_sq_mi       = 
| area_blank1_ha          = 
| area_blank1_acre        = 
| area_blank1_dunam       = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_blank2_title       = 
| area_blank2_km2         = 
| area_blank2_sq_mi       = 
| area_blank2_ha          = 
| area_blank2_acre        = 
| area_blank2_dunam       = <!-- used in Middle East articles only -->
| area_note               = 
<!-- dimensions -->
| dimensions_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| length_km               = 
| length_mi               = 
| width_km                = 
| width_mi                = 
<!-- elevation -->
| elevation_footnotes     = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| elevation_m             = 
| elevation_ft            = 
| elevation_point         = <!-- for denoting the measurement point -->
| elevation_max_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| elevation_max_m         = 
| elevation_max_ft        = 
| elevation_max_point     = <!-- for denoting the measurement point -->
| elevation_max_rank      = 
| elevation_min_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| elevation_min_m         = 
| elevation_min_ft        = 
| elevation_min_point     = <!-- for denoting the measurement point -->
| elevation_min_rank      = 
<!-- population -->
| population_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| population_as_of        = 
| population_total        = 
| pop_est_footnotes       = 
| pop_est_as_of           = 
| population_est          = 
| population_rank         = 
| population_density_km2  = <!-- for automatic calculation of any density field, use: auto -->
| population_density_sq_mi =
| population_urban_footnotes     = 
| population_urban               = 
| population_density_urban_km2   = 
| population_density_urban_sq_mi = 
| population_rural_footnotes     = 
| population_rural               = 
| population_density_rural_km2   = 
| population_density_rural_sq_mi = 
| population_metro_footnotes     = 
| population_metro               = 
| population_density_metro_km2   = 
| population_density_metro_sq_mi = 
| population_density_rank        = 
| population_blank1_title        = 
| population_blank1              = 
| population_density_blank1_km2  = 
| population_density_blank1_sq_mi = 
| population_blank2_title        = 
| population_blank2              = 
| population_density_blank2_km2  = 
| population_density_blank2_sq_mi = 
| population_demonym      = <!-- demonym, e.g. Liverpudlian for someone from Liverpool -->
| population_demonyms     = 
| population_note         = 
<!-- demographics (section 1) -->
| demographics_type1      = 
| demographics1_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| demographics1_title1    = 
| demographics1_info1     = <!-- etc., up to demographics1_title7 / demographics1_info7 -->
<!-- demographics (section 2) -->
| demographics_type2      = 
| demographics2_footnotes = <!-- for references: use <ref> tags -->
| demographics2_title1    = 
| demographics2_info1     = <!-- etc., up to demographics2_title10 / demographics2_info10 -->
<!-- time zone(s) -->
| timezone_link           = 
| timezone1_location      = 
| timezone1               = 
| utc_offset1             = 
| timezone1_DST           = 
| utc_offset1_DST         = 
| timezone2_location      = 
| timezone2               = 
| utc_offset2             = 
| timezone2_DST           = 
| utc_offset2_DST         = 
| timezone3_location      = 
| timezone3               = 
| utc_offset3             = 
| timezone3_DST           = 
| utc_offset3_DST         = 
| timezone4_location      = 
| timezone4               = 
| utc_offset4             = 
| timezone4_DST           = 
| utc_offset4_DST         = 
| timezone5_location      = 
| timezone5               = 
| utc_offset5             = 
| timezone5_DST           = 
| utc_offset5_DST         = 
<!-- postal codes, area code -->
| postal_code_type        = <!-- enter ZIP Code, Postcode, Post code, Postal code... -->
| postal_code             = 
| postal2_code_type       = <!-- enter ZIP Code, Postcode, Post code, Postal code... -->
| postal2_code            = 
| area_code_type          = <!-- defaults to: Area code(s) -->
| area_code               = 
| area_codes              = 
| geocode                 = 
| iso_code                = 
| registration_plate_type = 
| registration_plate      = 
| code1_name              = 
| code1_info              = 
| code2_name              = 
| code2_info              = 
<!-- blank fields (section 1) -->
| blank_name_sec1         = 
| blank_info_sec1         = 
| blank1_name_sec1        = 
| blank1_info_sec1        = 
| blank2_name_sec1        = 
| blank2_info_sec1        = <!-- etc., up to blank7_name_sec1 / blank7_info_sec1 -->
<!-- blank fields (section 2) -->
| blank_name_sec2         = 
| blank_info_sec2         = 
| blank1_name_sec2        = 
| blank1_info_sec2        = 
| blank2_name_sec2        = 
| blank2_info_sec2        = <!-- etc., up to blank7_name_sec2 / blank7_info_sec2 -->
<!-- website, footnotes -->
| website                 = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| module                  = 
| footnotes               = 

Parameter names and descriptions


Name and transliteration

Parameter name Usage Description
name optional This is the usual name in English. If it's not specified, the infobox will use the official_name as a title unless this too is missing, in which case the page name will be used.
official_name optional The official name in English if different from name
native_name optional Name in the official local language, if different from name, and if not English. This will display under the name/official name
native_name_lang optional Use ISO 639-1 code, e.g. "fr" for French. If there is more than one native name, in different languages, enter those names using {{lang}}, instead.
other_name optional For places with a former or more common name like Bombay or Saigon
settlement_type optional Any type can be entered, such as City, Town, Village, Hamlet, Municipality, Reservation, etc. If set, will be displayed under the names. Might also be used as a label for total population/area (defaulting to City), if needed to distinguish from Urban, Rural or Metro (if urban, rural or metro figures are not present, the label is Total unless total_type is set).
translit_lang1 optional Will place the "entry" before the word "transliteration(s)". Can be used to specify a particular language like in Dêlêg or one may just enter "Other", like in Gaza's article.
translit_lang2 optional Will place a second transliteration. See Dêlêg

Images, nickname, motto

Parameter name Usage Description
Skyline image
image_skyline optional Despite the name it can be any image that an editor wishes.
imagesize optional Can be used to tweak the size of the image_skyline up or down. This can be helpful if an editor wants to make the infobox wider. If used, px must be specified; default size is 250px.
image_alt optional Alt text for the image, used by visually impaired readers who cannot see the image. See WP:ALT.
image_caption optional Will place a caption under the image_skyline (if present)
Flag image
image_flag optional Used for a flag.
flag_size optional Can be used to tweak the size of the image_flag up or down from 100px as desired. If used, px must be specified; default size is 100px.
flag_alt optional Alt text for the flag.
flag_border optional Set to 'no' to remove the border from the flag
flag_link optional
Seal image
image_seal optional If the place has an official seal.
seal_size optional If used, px must be specified; default size is 100px.
seal_alt optional Alt text for the seal.
Coat of arms image
image_shield optional Can be used for a place with a coat of arms.
shield_size optional If used, px must be specified; default size is 100px.
shield_alt optional Alt text for the shield.
shield_link optional Can be used if a wiki article if known but is not automatically linked by the template. See Coquitlam, British Columbia's infobox for an example.
Logo or emblem image
image_blank_emblem optional Can be used if a place has an official logo, crest, emblem, etc.
blank_emblem_type optional Caption beneath "image_blank_emblem" to specify what type of emblem it is.
blank_emblem_size optional If used, px must be specified; default size is 100px.
blank_emblem_alt optional Alt text for blank emblem.
blank_emblem_link optional
Nickname, motto
etymology optional origin of name
nickname optional well-known nickname
nicknames optional if more than one well-known nickname, use this
motto optional Will place the motto under the nicknames
mottoes optional if more than one motto, use this
anthem optional Will place the anthem (song) under the nicknames

Maps, coordinates

Parameter name Usage Description
Map images
image_map optional
mapsize optional If used, px must be specified; default is 250px.
map_alt optional Alt text for map.
map_caption optional
image_map1 optional A secondary map image. The field image_map must be filled in first. Example see: Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
mapsize1 optional If used, px must be specified; default is 250px.
map_alt1 optional Alt text for secondary map.
map_caption1 optional
Pushpin map(s), coordinates
pushpin_map optional The name of a location map as per Template:Location map (e.g. Indonesia or Russia). The coordinate fields (from |coordinates=) position a pushpin coordinate marker and label on the map automatically. Example: Padang, Indonesia. To show multiple pushpin maps, provide a list of maps separated by #, e.g., California#USA
pushpin_mapsize optional Must be entered as only a number—do not use px. The default value is 250.
Equivalent to width parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_map_alt optional Alt text for pushpin map; used by screen readers, see WP:ALT.
Equivalent to alt parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_map_caption optional Fill out if a different caption from map_caption is desired.
Equivalent to caption parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_map_caption_notsmall optional
pushpin_label optional The text of the label to display next to the identifying mark; a wikilink can be used. If not specified, the label will be the text assigned to the name or official_name parameters (if |pushpin_label_position=none, no label is displayed).
Equivalent to label parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_label_position optional The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin coordinate marker. Valid options are {left, right, top, bottom, none}. If this field is not specified, the default value is right.
Equivalent to position parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_outside optional Equivalent to outside parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_relief optional Set this to y or any non-blank value to use an alternative relief map provided by the selected location map (if a relief map is available).
Equivalent to relief parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_image optional Allows the use of an alternative map; the image must have the same edge coordinates as the location map template.
Equivalent to AlternativeMap parameter in Template:Location map.
pushpin_overlay optional Can be used to specify an image to be superimposed on the regular pushpin map.
Equivalent to overlay_image parameter in Template:Location map.
coordinates optional Latitude and longitude. Use {{Coord}}. See the documentation for {{Coord}} for more details on usage.
coor_pinpoint optional If needed, to specify more exactly where (or what) coordinates are given (e.g. Town Hall) or a specific place in a larger area (e.g. a city in a county). Example: Masovian Voivodeship
coordinates_footnotes optional Reference(s) for coordinates, placed within <ref> </ref> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}
optional Name of a regional grid system and position on the regional grid

Location, established, seat, subdivisions, government, leaders

Parameter name Usage Description
subdivision_type optional almost always Country
subdivision_name optional Depends on the subdivision_type — use the name in text form, sample: United States. Per , flag icons or flag templates may be used in this field
optional Can be State/Province, region, county.
optional Use the name in text form, sample: Florida or [[Florida]]. Per , flag icons or flag templates should not be used in these fields
established_title optional Example: Founded
established_date optional Requires established_title=
established_title1 optional Example: Incorporated (town)
[Note that "established_title1" is distinct from "established_title"; you can think of "established_title" as behaving like "established_title0".]
established_date1 optional [See note for "established_title1".] Requires established_title1=
established_title2 optional Example: Incorporated (city)
established_date2 optional Requires established_title2=
established_title3 optional
established_date3 optional Requires established_title3=
established_title4 optional
established_date4 optional Requires established_title4=
established_title5 optional
established_date5 optional Requires established_title5=
established_title6 optional
established_date6 optional Requires established_title6=
established_title7 optional
established_date7 optional Requires established_title7=
extinct_title optional For when a settlement ceases to exist
extinct_date optional Requires extinct_title=
founder optional Who the settlement was founded by
named_for optional The source of the name of the settlement (a person, a place, et cetera)
Seat of government
seat_type optional The label for the seat of government (defaults to Seat).
seat optional The seat of government.
Smaller parts (e.g. boroughs of a city)
parts_type optional The label for the smaller subdivisions (defaults to Boroughs).
parts_style optional Set to list to display as a collapsible list, coll as a collapsed list, or para to use paragraph style. Default is list for up to 5 items, otherwise coll.
parts optional Text or header of the list of smaller subdivisions.
optional The smaller subdivisions to be listed. Example: Warsaw
Government type, leaders
government_footnotes optional Reference(s) for government, placed within <ref> </ref> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}
government_type optional Examples: Mayor–council government, Council–manager government, City commission government, ...
governing_body optional Name of the place's governing body
leader_party optional Political party of the place's leader
leader_title optional First title of the place's leader, e.g. Mayor
leader_name optional Name of the place's leader
optional For long lists use {{Collapsible list}}. See Halifax for an example.

Geographic information

These fields have dual automatic unit conversion meaning that if only metric values are entered, the imperial values will be automatically converted and vice versa. If an editor wishes to over-ride the automatic conversion, e.g. if the source gives both metric and imperial or if a range of values is needed, they should enter both values in their respective fields.
Parameter name Usage Description
Display settings
total_type optional Specifies what "total" area and population figure refer to, e.g. Greater London. This overrides other labels for total population/area. To make the total area and population display on the same line as the words "Area" and "Population", with no "Total" or similar label, set the value of this parameter to  .
unit_pref optional To change the unit order to imperial (metric), enter imperial. The default display style is metric (imperial). However, the template will swap the order automatically if the subdivision_name equals some variation of the US or the UK.
For the middle east, a unit preference of dunam can be entered (only affects total area).
All values must be entered in a raw format: no commas, spaces, or unit symbols. The template will format them automatically.
area_footnotes optional Reference(s) for area, placed within <ref> </ref> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}
dunam_link optional If dunams are used, the default is to link the word dunams in the total area section. This can be changed by setting dunam_link to another measure (e.g. dunam_link=water). Linking can also be turned off by setting the parameter to something else (e.g. dunam_link=none or dunam_link=off).
area_total_km2 optional Total area in square kilometers—symbol: km2. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square miles if area_total_sq_mi is empty.
area_total_ha optional Total area in hectares—symbol: ha. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display acres if area_total_acre is empty.
area_total_sq_mi optional Total area in square miles—symbol: sq mi. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square kilometers if area_total_km2 is empty.
area_total_acre optional Total area in acres. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display hectares if area_total_ha is empty.
area_total_dunam optional Total area in dunams, which is wiki-linked. Used in middle eastern places like Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square kilometers or hectares and square miles or acreds if area_total_km2, area_total_ha, area_total_sq_mi, and area_total_acre are empty. Examples: Gaza and Ramallah
area_land_km2 optional Land area in square kilometers—symbol: km2. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square miles if area_land_sq_mi is empty.
area_land_sq_mi optional Land area in square miles—symbol: sq mi. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square kilometers if area_land_km2 is empty.
area_land_ha optional similar to area_total_ha
area_land_dunam optional similar to area_total_dunam
area_land_acre optional similar to area_total_acre
area_water_km2 optional Water area in square kilometers—symbol: km2. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square miles if area_water_sq_mi is empty.
area_water_sq_mi optional Water area in square miles—symbol: sq mi. Value must be entered in raw format, no commas or spaces. Auto-converted to display square kilometers if area_water_km2 is empty.
area_water_ha optional similar to area_total_ha
area_water_dunam optional similar to area_total_dunam
area_water_acre optional similar to area_total_acre
area_water_percent optional percent of water without the "%"
area_urban_km2 optional
area_urban_sq_mi optional
area_urban_ha optional similar to area_total_ha
area_urban_dunam optional similar to area_total_dunam
area_urban_acre optional similar to area_total_acre
area_rural_km2 optional
area_rural_sq_mi optional
area_rural_ha optional similar to area_total_ha
area_rural_dunam optional similar to area_total_dunam
area_rural_acre optional similar to area_total_acre
area_metro_km2 optional
area_metro_sq_mi optional
area_metro_ha optional similar to area_total_ha
area_metro_dunam optional similar to area_total_dunam
area_metro_acre optional similar to area_total_acre
area_rank optional The settlement's area, as ranked within its parent sub-division
area_blank1_title optional Example see London
area_blank1_km2 optional
area_blank1_sq_mi optional
area_blank1_ha optional similar to area_total_ha
area_blank1_dunam optional similar to area_total_dunam
area_blank1_acre optional similar to area_total_acre
area_blank2_title optional
area_blank2_km2 optional
area_blank2_sq_mi optional
area_blank2_ha optional similar to area_total_ha
area_blank2_dunam optional similar to area_total_dunam
area_blank2_acre optional similar to area_total_acre
area_note optional A place for additional information such as the name of the source.
dimensions_footnotes optional Reference(s) for dimensions, placed within <ref> </ref> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}
length_km optional Raw number entered in kilometers. Will automatically convert to display length in miles if length_mi is empty.
length_mi optional Raw number entered in miles. Will automatically convert to display length in kilometers if length_km is empty.
width_km optional Raw number entered in kilometers. Will automatically convert to display width in miles if length_mi is empty.
width_mi optional Raw number entered in miles. Will automatically convert to display width in kilometers if length_km is empty.
elevation_footnotes optional Reference(s) for elevation, placed within <ref> </ref> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}
elevation_m optional Raw number entered in meters. Will automatically convert to display elevation in feet if elevation_ft is empty. However, if a range in elevation (i.e. 5–50 m ) is desired, use the "max" and "min" fields below
elevation_ft optional Raw number, entered in feet. Will automatically convert to display the average elevation in meters if elevation_m field is empty. However, if a range in elevation (e.g. 50–500 ft ) is desired, use the "max" and "min" fields below
optional Same as above, but for the "max" and "min" elevations. See Leeds.
optional Used to give highest & lowest elevations and rank, instead of just a single value. Example: Halifax Regional Municipality.

Population, demographics

The density fields have dual automatic unit conversion meaning that if only metric values are entered, the imperial values will be automatically converted and vice versa. If an editor wishes to over-ride the automatic conversion, e.g. if the source gives both metric and imperial or if a range of values is needed, they can enter both values in their respective fields. To calculate density with respect to the total area automatically, type auto in place of any density value.
Parameter name Usage Description
population_total optional Actual population (see below for estimates) preferably consisting of digits only (without any commas)
population_as_of optional The year for the population total (usually a census year)
population_footnotes optional Reference(s) for population, placed within <ref> </ref> tags
population_density_km2 optional
population_density_sq_mi optional
population_est optional Population estimate.
pop_est_as_of optional The year or month & year of the population estimate
pop_est_footnotes optional Reference(s) for population estimate, placed within <ref> </ref> tags
population_urban optional
population_urban_footnotes optional Reference(s) for urban population, placed within <ref> </ref> tags
population_density_urban_km2 optional
population_density_urban_sq_mi optional
population_rural optional
population_rural_footnotes optional Reference(s) for rural population, placed within <ref> </ref> tags
population_density_rural_km2 optional
population_density_rural_sq_mi optional
population_metro optional
population_metro_footnotes optional Reference(s) for metro population, placed within <ref> </ref> tags
population_density_metro_km2 optional
population_density_metro_sq_mi optional
population_rank optional The settlement's population, as ranked within its parent sub-division
population_density_rank optional The settlement's population density, as ranked within its parent sub-division
population_blank1_title optional Can be used for estimates. Example: Windsor, Ontario
population_blank1 optional The population value for blank1_title
population_density_blank1_km2 optional
population_density_blank1_sq_mi optional
population_blank2_title optional
population_blank2 optional
population_density_blank2_km2 optional
population_density_blank2_sq_mi optional
population_demonym optional A demonym or gentilic is a word that denotes the members of a people or the inhabitants of a place. For example, a citizen in Liverpool is known as a Liverpudlian.
population_demonyms optional If more than one demonym, use this
population_note optional A place for additional information such as the name of the source. See Windsor, Ontario for example.
Demographics (section 1)
demographics_type1 optional Section Header. For example: Ethnicity
demographics1_footnotes optional Reference(s) for demographics section 1, placed within <ref> </ref> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}
optional Titles related to demographics_type1. For example: White, Black, Hispanic...
optional Information related to the "titles". For example: 50%, 25%, 10%...
Demographics (section 2)
demographics_type2 optional A second section header. For example: Languages
demographics2_footnotes optional Reference(s) for demographics section 2, placed within <ref> </ref> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}
optional Titles related to demographics_type2. For example: English, French, Arabic...
optional Information related to the "titles" for type2. For example: 50%, 25%, 10%...

Other information

Parameter name Usage Description
Time zone(s)
timezone1 optional
utc_offset1 optional Plain text, e.g. "+05:00" or "-08:00". Auto-linked, so do not include references or additional text.
timezone1_DST optional
utc_offset1_DST optional
timezone2 optional A second timezone field for larger areas such as a Province.
utc_offset2 optional
timezone2_DST optional
utc_offset2_DST optional
Postal code(s) & area code
postal_code_type optional
postal_code optional
postal2_code_type optional
postal2_code optional
area_code_type optional If left blank/not used template will default to "Area code(s)"
area_code optional Refers to the telephone dialing code for the settlement, not a geographic area code.
area_codes optional If more than one area code, use this
geocode optional See Geocode
iso_code optional See ISO 3166
registration_plate_type optional If left blank/not used template will default to "Vehicle registration"
registration_plate optional See Vehicle registration plate
Blank fields (section 1)
blank_name_sec1 optional Fields used to display other information. The name is displayed in bold on the left side of the infobox.
blank_info_sec1 optional The information associated with the blank_name heading. The info is displayed on right side of infobox, in the same row as the name. For an example, see: Warsaw
optional Up to 7 additional fields (8 total) can be displayed in this section
Blank fields (section 2)
blank_name_sec2 optional For a second section of blank fields
blank_info_sec2 optional Example: Beijing
optional Up to 7 additional fields (8 total) can be displayed in this section
Website, footnotes
website optional External link to official website, Use {{URL}}, thus: {{URL|example.com}}
module optional To embed infoboxes at the bottom of the infobox
footnotes optional Text to be displayed at the bottom of the infobox
short_description optional specify custom short description; if not specified, one will be automatically generated, e.g. "Place in Israel".


Example 1
Şablon:YM/ABŞ/styles.css səhifəsinin məzmunu yoxdur.
Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
The Windy City, The Second City, Chi-Town, Chi-City, Hog Butcher for the World, City of the Big Shoulders, The City That Works, and others found at List of nicknames for Chicago
lat. Urbs in Horto (City in a Garden), Make Big Plans (Make No Small Plans), I Will
Location in the Chicago metropolitan area and Illinois
Location in the Chicago metropolitan area and Illinois
USA üçün xəritə mövcud deyil.
Coordinates: Lua xətası modul package.lua, sətir 80: module 'Module:ISO 3166/data/US' not found.[1]
CountryUnited States
CountiesCook, DuPage
IncorporatedMarch 4, 1837
Named forŞablon:Lang-mia
("Wild onion")
 • TypeMayor–council
 • MayorRahm Emanuel (Şablon:Polparty)
 • CouncilChicago City Council
 • CityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
 • LandŞablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
 • WaterŞablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp  3%
 • Urban
Şablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
 • Metro
Şablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
ElevationŞablon:İnfobox settlement/lengthdisp
 • City2.695.598
 • Estimate 
 • Rank3rd US
 • DensityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/densdisp
 • Urban
 • Urban densityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/densdisp
 • Metro
 • Metro densityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/densdisp
Time zoneUTC−06:00 (CST)
 • Summer (DST)UTC−05:00 (CDT)
Area codes312, 773, 872
FIPS codeŞablon:FIPS
GNIS feature IDŞablon:GNIS 4, Şablon:GNIS 4
Skript xətası: "Check for clobbered parameters" modulu mövcud deyil.
<!-- NOTE: This differs from the actual Chicago infobox in order to provide examples. -->
{{Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
| name = Chicago
| settlement_type = [[City (Illinois)|City]]
| image_skyline = Chicago montage.jpg
| imagesize = 275px <!--default is 250px-->
| image_caption = Clockwise from top: [[Downtown Chicago]], the [[Chicago Theatre]], the [[Chicago 'L']], [[Navy Pier]], [[Millennium Park]], the [[Field Museum]], and the [[Willis Tower|Willis (formerly Sears) Tower]]
| image_flag = Flag of Chicago, Illinois.svg
| image_seal = Seal of Chicago, Illinois.svg
| etymology = {{lang-mia|shikaakwa}} ("wild onion" or "wild garlic")
| nickname = [[Origin of Chicago's "Windy City" nickname|The Windy City]], The Second City, Chi-Town, Chi-City, Hog Butcher for the World, City of the Big Shoulders, The City That Works, and others found at [[List of nicknames for Chicago]]
| motto = {{lang-la|Urbs in Horto}} (''City in a Garden''), Make Big Plans (Make No Small Plans), I Will
| image_map = US-IL-Chicago.png
| map_caption = Location in the [[Chicago metropolitan area]] and Illinois
| pushpin_map = USA
| pushpin_map_caption = Location in the United States
| coordinates = {{coord|41|50|15|N|87|40|55|W}}
| coordinates_footnotes = <ref name="USCB Gazetteer 2010"/>
| subdivision_type = Country
| subdivision_name = United States
| subdivision_type1 = State
| subdivision_name1 = [[Illinois]]
| subdivision_type2 = [[List of counties in Illinois|Counties]]
| subdivision_name2 = [[Cook County, Illinois|Cook]], [[DuPage County, Illinois|DuPage]]
| established_title = Settled
| established_date = 1770s
| established_title2 = [[Municipal corporation|Incorporated]]
| established_date2 = March 4, 1837
| founder =
| named_for = {{lang-mia|shikaakwa}}<br /> ("Wild onion")
| government_type = [[Mayor–council government|Mayor–council]]
| leader_title = [[Mayor of Chicago|Mayor]]
| leader_name = [[Rahm Emanuel]]
| leader_party = [[Democratic Party (United States)|D]]
| leader_title1 = [[City council|Council]]
| leader_name1 = [[Chicago City Council]]
| unit_pref = Imperial
| area_footnotes = <ref name="USCB Gazetteer 2010">{{cite web | url = https://www.census.gov/geo/www/gazetteer/files/Gaz_places_national.txt | title = 2010 United States Census Gazetteer for Places: January 1, 2010 | format = text | work = 2010 United States Census | publisher = [[United States Census Bureau]] | date = April 2010 | access-date = August 1, 2012}}</ref>
| area_total_sq_mi = 234.114
| area_land_sq_mi  = 227.635
| area_water_sq_mi = 6.479
| area_water_percent = 3
| area_urban_sq_mi = 2123
| area_metro_sq_mi = 10874
| elevation_footnotes = <ref name="GNIS"/>
| elevation_ft = 594
| elevation_m  = 181
| population_footnotes = <ref name="USCB PopEstCities 2011">{{cite web | url = https://www.census.gov/popest/data/cities/totals/2011/tables/SUB-EST2011-01.csv | title = Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places Over 50,000, Ranked by July 1, 2011 Population | format = [[comma-separated values|CSV]] | work = 2011 Population Estimates | publisher = [[United States Census Bureau]], Population Division | date = June 2012 | access-date = August 1, 2012}}</ref><ref name="USCB Metro 2010">{{cite web | url=https://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-01.pdf | title = Population Change for the Ten Most Populous and Fastest Growing Metropolitan Statiscal Areas: 2000 to 2010 | date = March 2011 | publisher = [[U.S. Census Bureau]] | page = 6 |access-date = April 12, 2011}}</ref>
| population_as_of = [[2010 United States Census|2010]]
| population_total = 2695598
| pop_est_footnotes =
| pop_est_as_of = 2011
| population_est = 2707120
| population_rank  = [[List of United States cities by population|3rd US]]
| population_density_sq_mi = 11,892.4<!-- 2011 population_est / area_land_sq_mi -->
| population_urban = 8711000
| population_density_urban_sq_mi = auto
| population_metro = 9461105
| population_density_metro_sq_mi = auto
| population_demonym = Chicagoan
| timezone = [[Central Standard Time|CST]]
| utc_offset = −06:00
| timezone_DST = [[Central Daylight Time|CDT]]
| utc_offset_DST = −05:00
| area_code_type = [[North American Numbering Plan|Area codes]]
| area_code = [[Area code 312|312]], [[Area code 773|773]], [[Area code 872|872]]
| blank_name = [[Federal Information Processing Standards|FIPS]] code
| blank_info = {{FIPS|17|14000}}
| blank1_name = [[Geographic Names Information System|GNIS]] feature ID
| blank1_info = {{GNIS 4|423587}}, {{GNIS 4|428803}}
| website = {{URL|www.cityofchicago.org}}
| footnotes = <ref name="GNIS">{{Cite gnis|428803|City of Chicago|April 12, 2011}}</ref>


  1. 1 2 "2010 United States Census Gazetteer for Places: January 1, 2010" (text). 2010 United States Census. United States Census Bureau. April 2010. İstifadə tarixi: August 1, 2012.
  2. 1 2 Şablon:Cite gnis
  3. "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places Over 50,000, Ranked by July 1, 2011 Population" (CSV). 2011 Population Estimates. United States Census Bureau, Population Division. June 2012. İstifadə tarixi: August 1, 2012.
  4. "Population Change for the Ten Most Populous and Fastest Growing Metropolitan Statiscal Areas: 2000 to 2010" (PDF). U.S. Census Bureau. March 2011. səh. 6. İstifadə tarixi: April 12, 2011.

Example 2
Şablon:YM/ABŞ/styles.css səhifəsinin məzmunu yoxdur.
Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
The Motor City, Motown, Renaissance City, The D, Hockeytown, The Automotive Capital of the World, Rock City, The 313
Speramus Meliora; Resurget Cineribus
(Latin: We Hope For Better Things; It Shall Rise From the Ashes)
Location within Wayne County, Michigan and the state of Michigan
Location within Wayne County, Michigan and the state of Michigan
USA üçün xəritə mövcud deyil.
Coordinates: Lua xətası modul package.lua, sətir 80: module 'Module:ISO 3166/data/US' not found.
CountryUnited States of America
 • TypeMayor–council
 • MayorDave Bing (Şablon:Polparty)
 • City Council
 • CityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
 • LandŞablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
 • WaterŞablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
 • Urban
Şablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
 • Metro
Şablon:İnfobox settlement/areadisp
Şablon:İnfobox settlement/lengthdisp
 • City706.585
 • Rank18th in U.S.
 • DensityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/densdisp
 • Urban
 • Urban densityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/densdisp
 • Metro
4.285.832 (US: 13th)
 • Metro densityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/densdisp
 • CSA
5.207.434 (US: 11th)
 • CSA densityŞablon:İnfobox settlement/densdisp
Time zoneUTC−5 (EST)
 • Summer (DST)UTC−4 (EDT)
Area code(s)313
FIPS codeŞablon:FIPS
GNIS feature IDŞablon:GNIS 4, Şablon:GNIS 4
Skript xətası: "Check for clobbered parameters" modulu mövcud deyil.
{{Yaşayış məntəqəsi/ABŞ
| name                    = Detroit
| settlement_type         = [[City (Michigan)|City]]
| official_name           = City of Detroit
| image_skyline           = Detroit Montage.jpg
| imagesize               = 290px
| image_caption           = Images from top to bottom, left to right: [[Downtown Detroit]] skyline, [[Spirit of Detroit]], [[Greektown Historic District|Greektown]], [[Ambassador Bridge]], [[Michigan Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument]], [[Fox Theatre (Detroit)|Fox Theatre]], and [[Comerica Park]].
| image_flag              = Flag of Detroit, Michigan.svg
| image_seal              = Seal of Detroit, Michigan.svg
| etymology               = {{lang-fr|détroit}} ([[strait]])
| nickname                = The Motor City, Motown, Renaissance City, The D, Hockeytown, The Automotive Capital of the World, Rock City, The 313
| motto                   = ''Speramus Meliora; Resurget Cineribus''<br /><small>([[Latin]]: We Hope For Better Things; It Shall Rise From the Ashes)</small>
| image_map               = Wayne County Michigan Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Detroit highlighted.svg
| mapsize                 = 250x200px
| map_caption             = Location within [[Wayne County, Michigan]] and the state of [[Michigan]]
| pushpin_map             = USA
| pushpin_map_caption     = Location within the [[Contiguous United States|contiguous United States of America]]
| coordinates = {{coord|42|19|53|N|83|2|45|W}}
| coordinates_footnotes   =
| subdivision_type        = Country
| subdivision_name        = United States of America
| subdivision_type1       = State
| subdivision_name1       = Michigan
| subdivision_type2       = [[List of counties in Michigan|County]]
| subdivision_name2       = [[Wayne County, Michigan|Wayne]]
| established_title       = Founded
| established_date        = 1701
| established_title2      = Incorporated
| established_date2       = 1806
| government_footnotes    = <!-- for references: use<ref> tags -->
| government_type         = [[Mayor-council government|Mayor-Council]]
| leader_title            = [[List of mayors of Detroit, Michigan|Mayor]]
| leader_name             = [[Dave Bing]]
| leader_party            = [[Democratic Party (United States)|D]]
| leader_title1           = [[Detroit City Council|City Council]]
| leader_name1            = {{collapsible list|bullets=yes
 | title = Members
 | 1 = [[Charles Pugh]] – Council President
 | 2 = [[Gary Brown (Detroit politician)|Gary Brown]] – Council President Pro-Tem
 | 3 = [[JoAnn Watson]]
 | 4 = [[Kenneth Cockrel, Jr.]]
 | 5 = [[Saunteel Jenkins]]
 | 6 = [[Andre Spivey]]
 | 7 = [[James Tate (Detroit politician)|James Tate]]
 | 8 = [[Brenda Jones (Detroit politician)|Brenda Jones]]
 | 9 = [[Kwame Kenyatta]]
| unit_pref               = Imperial
| area_footnotes          =
| area_total_sq_mi        = 142.87
| area_total_km2          = 370.03
| area_land_sq_mi         = 138.75
| area_land_km2           = 359.36
| area_water_sq_mi        = 4.12
| area_water_km2          = 10.67
| area_urban_sq_mi        = 1295
| area_metro_sq_mi        = 3913
| elevation_footnotes     =
| elevation_ft            = 600
| population_footnotes    =
| population_as_of        = 2011
| population_total        = 706585
| population_rank         = [[List of United States cities by population|18th in U.S.]]
| population_urban        = 3863924
| population_metro        = 4285832 (US: [[List of United States metropolitan statistical areas|13th]])
| population_blank1_title = [[Combined statistical area|CSA]]
| population_blank1       = 5207434 (US: [[List of United States combined statistical areas|11th]])
| population_density_sq_mi= {{#expr:713777/138.8 round 0}}
| population_demonym      = Detroiter
| population_note         =
| timezone                = [[Eastern Time Zone (North America)|EST]]
| utc_offset              = −5
| timezone_DST            = [[Eastern Daylight Time|EDT]]
| utc_offset_DST          = −4
| postal_code_type        =
| postal_code             =
| area_code               = [[Area code 313|313]]
| blank_name              = [[Federal Information Processing Standards|FIPS code]]
| blank_info              = {{FIPS|26|22000}}
| blank1_name             = [[Geographic Names Information System|GNIS]] feature ID
| blank1_info             = {{GNIS 4|1617959}}, {{GNIS 4|1626181}}
| website                 = [http://www.detroitmi.gov/ DetroitMI.gov]
| footnotes               =

Supporting templates


The following is a list of sub-templates used by Infobox settlement. See the current list of all sub-templates for documentation, sandboxes, testcases, etc.

  1. {{Infobox settlement/areadisp}}
  2. {{Infobox settlement/densdisp}}
  3. {{Infobox settlement/dunam}}
  4. {{Infobox settlement/dunam/mag}}
  5. {{Infobox settlement/impus}}
  6. {{Infobox settlement/impus/mag}}
  7. {{Infobox settlement/lengthdisp}}
  8. {{Infobox settlement/link}}
  9. {{Infobox settlement/metric}}
  10. {{Infobox settlement/metric/mag}}
  11. {{Infobox settlement/pref}}



The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.



If the place or venue has an "established", "founded", "opened" or similar date, use {{start date}} unless the date is before 1583 CE.

If it has a URL, use {{URL}}.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.



hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Please do not rename or remove these classes nor collapse nested elements which use them.



When giving coordinates, please use an appropriate level of precision. Do not use {{coord}}'s |name= parameter.


This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

See the monthly error report for this template.

TemplateData for Yaşayış məntəqəsi


Infobox for human settlements (cities, towns, villages, communities) as well as other administrative districts, counties, provinces, etc.

Şablon parametrləri[Şablon məlumatlarını redaktə edin]

Bu şablonun fərdi formatı var.

Common namename

This is the usual name in English. If it's not specified, the infobox will use the 'official_name' as a title unless this too is missing, in which case the page name will be used.

Mətntövsiyə olunur
Official nameofficial_name

The official name in English, if different from 'name'.

Mətntövsiyə olunur
Native namenative_name

This will display under the name/official name.

Distrito Federal de México
Mətnməcburi deyil
Native name languagenative_name_lang

Use ISO 639-1 code, e.g. 'fr' for French. If there is more than one native name in different languages, enter those names using {{lang}} instead.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Other nameother_name

For places with a former or more common name like Bombay or Saigon.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Type of settlementsettlement_type type

Any type can be entered, such as 'City', 'Town', 'Village', 'Hamlet', 'Municipality', 'Reservation', etc. If set, will be displayed under the names, provided either 'name' or 'official_name' is filled in. Might also be used as a label for total population/area (defaulting to 'City'), if needed to distinguish from 'Urban', 'Rural' or 'Metro' (if urban, rural or metro figures are not present, the label is 'Total' unless 'total_type' is set).

Mətnməcburi deyil
Transliteration from language 1translit_lang1

Will place the entry before the word 'transliteration(s)'. Can be used to specify a particular language, like in Dêlêg, or one may just enter 'Other', like in Gaza's article.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Transliteration type for language 1translit_lang1_type

The type of transliteration used for the first language.

[[Hanyu pinyin]]
Sətirməcburi deyil
Transliteration language 1 infotranslit_lang1_info

Parameters 'translit_lang2_info1' ... 'translit_lang2_info6' are also available, but not documented here.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Transliteration language 2translit_lang2

Will place a second transliteration. See Dêlêg.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Image of skylineimage_skyline

Despite the name, it can be any image that an editor wishes.

Faylməcburi deyil
Image sizeimagesize

Can be used to tweak the size of 'image_skyline' up or down. This can be helpful if an editor wants to make the infobox wider. If used, 'px' must be specified; default size is 250px.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Image alt textimage_alt

Alt (hover) text for the image, used by visually impaired readers who cannot see the image.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Image captionimage_caption

Will place a caption under 'image_skyline' (if present).

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Flag imageimage_flag

Used for a flag.

Faylməcburi deyil
Flag sizeflag_size

Can be used to tweak the size of 'image_flag' up or down from 100px as desired. If used, 'px' must be specified; default size is 100px.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Flag alt textflag_alt

Alt text for the flag.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Flag border?flag_border

Set to 'no' to remove the border from the flag.

Məntiqi qiymətməcburi deyil
Flag linkflag_link

Link to the flag.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Official seal imageimage_seal

An image of an official seal, if the place has one.

Faylməcburi deyil
Seal sizeseal_size

If used, 'px' must be specified; default size is 100px.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Seal alt textseal_alt

Alt (hover) text for the seal.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Seal linkseal_link

Link to the seal.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Coat of arms/shield imageimage_shield

Can be used for a place with a coat of arms.

Faylməcburi deyil
Shield sizeshield_size

If used, 'px' must be specified; default size is 100px.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Shield alt textshield_alt

Alternate text for the shield.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Shield linkshield_link

Can be used if a wiki article if known but is not automatically linked by the template. See Coquitlam, British Columbia's infobox for an example.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank emblem imageimage_blank_emblem

Can be used if a place has an official logo, crest, emblem, etc.

Faylməcburi deyil
Blank emblem typeblank_emblem_type

Caption beneath 'image_blank_emblem' to specify what type of emblem it is.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank emblem sizeblank_emblem_size

If used, 'px' must be specified; default size is 100px.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank emblem alt textblank_emblem_alt

Alt text for blank emblem.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank emblem linkblank_emblem_link

A link to the emblem of custom type.

Mətnməcburi deyil

Well-known nickname(s).

Sin City
Mətnməcburi deyil

Will place the motto under the nicknames.

Mətnməcburi deyil

Will place the anthem (song) under the nicknames.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Map imageimage_map

A map of the region, or a map with the region highlighted within a parent region.

Faylməcburi deyil
Map sizemapsize

If used, 'px' must be specified; default is 250px.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Map alt textmap_alt

Alternate (hover) text for the map.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Map captionmap_caption

Caption for the map displayed.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Map 2 imageimage_map1

A secondary map image. The field 'image_map' must be filled in first. For an example, see [[Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania]].

File:Columbia County Pennsylvania Incorporated and Unincorporated areas Bloomsburg Highlighted.svg
Faylməcburi deyil
Map 2 sizemapsize1

If used, 'px' must be specified; default is 250px.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Map 2 alt textmap_alt1

Alt (hover) text for the second map.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Map 2 captionmap_caption1

Caption of the second map.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Pushpin mappushpin_map

The name of a location map (e.g. 'Indonesia' or 'Russia'). The coordinates information (from the coordinates parameter) positions a pushpin coordinate marker and label on the map automatically. For an example, see Padang, Indonesia.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Pushpin map sizepushpin_mapsize

Must be entered as only a number—do not use 'px'. The default value is 250.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Pushpin map alt textpushpin_map_alt

Alt (hover) text for the pushpin map.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Pushpin map captionpushpin_map_caption

Fill out if a different caption from 'map_caption' is desired.

Map showing Bloomsburg in Pennsylvania
Mətnməcburi deyil
Pushpin labelpushpin_label

Label of the pushpin.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Pushpin label positionpushpin_label_position

The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin coordinate marker. Valid options are 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', and 'none'. If this field is not specified, the default value is 'right'.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Pushpin outside?pushpin_outside

izahı yoxdur

Sətirməcburi deyil
Pushpin reliefpushpin_relief

Set this to 'y' or any non-blank value to use an alternative relief map provided by the selected location map (if a relief map is available).

Mətnməcburi deyil
Pushpin imagepushpin_image

Image to use for the pushpin.

Faylməcburi deyil
Pushpin overlaypushpin_overlay

Can be used to specify an image to be superimposed on the regular pushpin map.

Faylməcburi deyil

Latitude and longitude. Use {{Coord}}. See the documentation for {{Coord}} for more details on usage.

Şablonməcburi deyil
Coordinate pinpointcoor_pinpoint

If needed, to specify more exactly where (or what) coordinates are given (e.g. 'Town Hall') or a specific place in a larger area (e.g. a city in a county). Example: Masovian Voivodeship.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Coordinates footnotescoordinates_footnotes

Reference(s) for coordinates. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision type 1subdivision_type

Almost always 'Country'.

[[List of sovereign states|Country]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision name 1subdivision_name

Depends on 'subdivision_type'. Use the name in text form, e.g., 'United States'. Per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG, flag icons or flag templates may be used in this field.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision type 2subdivision_type1

Additional subdivisions; can be state/province, region, or county.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision type 3subdivision_type2

Additional subdivisions; can be state/province, region, or county.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision type 4subdivision_type3

Additional subdivisions; can be state/province, region, or county.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision type 5subdivision_type4

Additional subdivisions; can be state/province, region, or county.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision type 6subdivision_type5

Additional subdivisions; can be state/province, region, or county.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision type 7subdivision_type6

Additional subdivisions; can be state/province, region, or county.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision name 2subdivision_name1

Use the name in text form, e.g., 'Florida' or '[[Florida]]'. Per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG, flag icons or flag templates should not be used in this field.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision name 3subdivision_name2

Use the name in text form, e.g., 'Florida' or '[[Florida]]'. Per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG, flag icons or flag templates should not be used in this field.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision name 4subdivision_name3

Use the name in text form, e.g., 'Florida' or '[[Florida]]'. Per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG, flag icons or flag templates should not be used in this field.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision name 5subdivision_name4

Use the name in text form, e.g., 'Florida' or '[[Florida]]'. Per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG, flag icons or flag templates should not be used in this field.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision name 6subdivision_name5

Use the name in text form, e.g., 'Florida' or '[[Florida]]'. Per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG, flag icons or flag templates should not be used in this field.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Subdivision name 7subdivision_name6

Use the name in text form, e.g., 'Florida' or '[[Florida]]'. Per MOS:INFOBOXFLAG, flag icons or flag templates should not be used in this field.

Mətnməcburi deyil
First establishment eventestablished_title

Title of the first establishment event.

First settled
Mətnməcburi deyil
First establishment dateestablished_date

Date of the first establishment event.

Tarixməcburi deyil
Second establishment eventestablished_title1

Title of the second establishment event.

Incorporated as a town
Mətnməcburi deyil
Second establishment dateestablished_date1

Date of the second establishment event.

Tarixməcburi deyil
Third establishment eventestablished_title2

Title of the third establishment event.

Incorporated as a city
Mətnməcburi deyil
Third establishment dateestablished_date2

Date of the third establishment event.

Tarixməcburi deyil
Fourth establishment eventestablished_title3

Title of the fourth establishment event.

Incorporated as a county
Mətnməcburi deyil
Fourth establishment dateestablished_date3

Date of the fourth establishment event.

Tarixməcburi deyil
Extinction event titleextinct_title

For when a settlement ceases to exist.

[[Sack of Rome]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Extinction dateextinct_date

Date the settlement ceased to exist.

Mətnməcburi deyil

Who the settlement was founded by.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Named fornamed_for

The source of the name of the settlement (a person, a place, et cetera).

[[Ho Chi Minh]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Seat of government typeseat_type

The label for the seat of government (defaults to 'Seat').

Mətnməcburi deyil
Seat of governmentseat

The seat of government.

[[White House]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Type of smaller subdivisionsparts_type

The label for the smaller subdivisions (defaults to 'Boroughs').

Mətnməcburi deyil
Parts styleparts_style

Set to 'list' to display as a collapsible list, 'coll' as a collapsed list, or 'para' to use paragraph style. Default is 'list' for up to 5 items, otherwise 'coll'.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Smaller subdivisionsparts

Text or header of the list of smaller subdivisions.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Smaller subdivision 1p1

The smaller subdivisions to be listed. Parameters 'p1' to 'p50' can also be used.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Government footnotesgovernment_footnotes

Reference(s) for government. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Government typegovernment_type

The place's type of government.

[[Mayor–council government]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Governing bodygoverning_body

Name of the place's governing body.

Legislative Council of Hong Kong
Səhifə adıməcburi deyil
Leader political partyleader_party

Political party of the place's leader.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Leader titleleader_title

First title of the place's leader, e.g. 'Mayor'.

[[Governor (United States)|Governor]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Leader's nameleader_name

Name of the place's leader.

[[Jay Inslee]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Leader title 1leader_title1

First title of the place's leader, e.g. 'Mayor'.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Leader name 1leader_name1

Additional names for leaders. Parameters 'leader_name1' .. 'leader_name4' are available. For long lists, use {{Collapsible list}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Total typetotal_type

Specifies what total area and population figure refer to, e.g. 'Greater London'. This overrides other labels for total population/area. To make the total area and population display on the same line as the words ''Area'' and ''Population'', with no ''Total'' or similar label, set the value of this parameter to '&nbsp;'.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Unit preferenceunit_pref

To change the unit order to 'imperial (metric)', enter 'imperial'. The default display style is 'metric (imperial)'. However, the template will swap the order automatically if the 'subdivision_name' equals some variation of the US or the UK. For the Middle East, a unit preference of dunam can be entered (only affects total area). All values must be entered in a raw format (no commas, spaces, or unit symbols). The template will format them automatically.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Area footnotesarea_footnotes

Reference(s) for area. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Link dunams?dunam_link

If dunams are used, the default is to link the word ''dunams'' in the total area section. This can be changed by setting 'dunam_link' to another measure (e.g. 'dunam_link=water'). Linking can also be turned off by setting the parameter to something else (e.g., 'dunam_link=none' or 'dunam_link=off').

Məntiqi qiymətməcburi deyil
Total area (km2)area_total_km2

Total area in square kilometers (symbol: km²). Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display square miles if 'area_total_sq_mi' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Total area (sq. mi)area_total_sq_mi

Total area in square miles (symbol: sq mi). Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display square kilometers if 'area_total_km2' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Total area (hectares)area_total_ha

Total area in hectares (symbol: ha). Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display acres if 'area_total_acre' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Total area (acres)area_total_acre

Total area in acres. Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display hectares if 'area_total_ha' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Total area (dunams)area_total_dunam

Total area in dunams, which is wikilinked. Used in Middle Eastern places like Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display square kilometers or hectares and square miles or acres if 'area_total_km2', 'area_total_ha', 'area_total_sq_mi', and 'area_total_acre' are empty. Examples: Gaza and Ramallah.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Land area (sq. km)area_land_km2

Land area in square kilometers (symbol: km²). Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display square miles if 'area_land_sq_mi' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Land area (sq. mi)area_land_sq_mi

Land area in square miles (symbol: sq mi). Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display square kilometers if 'area_land_km2' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Land area (hectares)area_land_ha

The place's land area in hectares.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Land area (dunams)area_land_dunam

The place's land area in dunams.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Land area (acres)area_land_acre

The place's land area in acres.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Water area (sq. km)area_water_km2

Water area in square kilometers (symbol: km²). Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display square miles if 'area_water_sq_mi' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Water area (sq. mi)area_water_sq_mi

Water area in square miles (symbol: sq mi). Value must be entered in raw format (no commas or spaces). Auto-converted to display square kilometers if 'area_water_km2' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Water area (hectares)area_water_ha

The place's water area in hectares.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Water area (dunams)area_water_dunam

The place's water area in dunams.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Water area (acres)area_water_acre

The place's water area in acres.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Percent water areaarea_water_percent

Percent of water without the %.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Urban area (sq. km)area_urban_km2

Area of the place's urban area in square kilometers.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Urban area (sq. mi)area_urban_sq_mi

Area of the place's urban area in square miles.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Urban area (hectares)area_urban_ha

Area of the place's urban area in hectares.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Urban area (dunams)area_urban_dunam

Area of the place's urban area in dunams.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Urban area (acres)area_urban_acre

Area of the place's urban area in acres.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Urban area footnotesarea_urban_footnotes

Reference(s) for the urban area. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Rural area (sq. km)area_rural_km2

Area of the place's rural area in square kilometers.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Rural area (sq. mi)area_rural_sq_mi

Area of the place's rural area in square miles.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Rural area (hectares)area_rural_ha

Area of the place's rural area in hectares.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Rural area (dunams)area_rural_dunam

Area of the place's rural area in dunams.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Rural area (acres)area_rural_acre

Area of the place's rural area in acres.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Rural area footnotesarea_rural_footnotes

Reference(s) for the urban area. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area (sq. km)area_metro_km2

Area of the place's metropolitan area in square kilometers.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area (sq. mi)area_metro_sq_mi

Area of the place's metropolitan area in square miles.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area (hectares)area_metro_ha

Area of the place's metropolitan area in hectares.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area (dunams)area_metro_dunam

Area of the place's metropolitan area in dunams.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area (acres)area_metro_acre

Area of the place's metropolitan area in acres.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area footnotesarea_metro_footnotes

Reference(s) for the urban area. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Area rankarea_rank

The settlement's area, as ranked within its parent sub-division.

Mətnməcburi deyil
First blank area section titlearea_blank1_title

Title of the place's first custom area section.

see [[London]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Area blank 1 (sq. km)area_blank1_km2

Area of the place's first blank area section in square kilometers.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 1 (sq. mi)area_blank1_sq_mi

Area of the place's first blank area section in square miles.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 1 (hectares)area_blank1_ha

Area of the place's first blank area section in hectares.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 1 (dunams)area_blank1_dunam

Area of the place's first blank area section in dunams.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 1 (acres)area_blank1_acre

Area of the place's first blank area section in acres.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Second blank area section titlearea_blank2_title

Title of the place's second custom area section.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Area blank 2 (sq. km)area_blank2_km2

Area of the place's second blank area section in square kilometers.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 2 (sq. mi)area_blank2_sq_mi

Area of the place's second blank area section in square miles.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 2 (hectares)area_blank2_ha

Area of the place's third blank area section in hectares.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 2 (dunams)area_blank2_dunam

Area of the place's third blank area section in dunams.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area blank 2 (acres)area_blank2_acre

Area of the place's third blank area section in acres.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Area footnotesarea_note

A place for additional information such as the name of the source.

<ref name="CenPopGazetteer2016">{{cite web|title=2016 U.S. Gazetteer Files|url=https://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/gazetteer/2016_Gazetteer/2016_gaz_place_42.txt|publisher=United States Census Bureau|access-date=Aug 13, 2017}}</ref>
Məzmunməcburi deyil
Dimensions footnotesdimensions_footnotes

Reference(s) for dimensions. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Length in kmlength_km

Raw number entered in kilometers. Will automatically convert to display length in miles if 'length_mi' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Length in mileslength_mi

Raw number entered in miles. Will automatically convert to display length in kilometers if 'length_km' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Width in kilometerswidth_km

Raw number entered in kilometers. Will automatically convert to display width in miles if 'length_mi' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Width in mileswidth_mi

Raw number entered in miles. Will automatically convert to display width in kilometers if 'length_km' is empty.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Elevation in meterselevation_m

Raw number entered in meters. Will automatically convert to display elevation in feet if 'elevation_ft' is empty. However, if a range in elevation (i.e. 5–50&nbsp;m) is desired, use the 'max' and 'min' fields below.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Elevation in feetelevation_ft

Raw number, entered in feet. Will automatically convert to display the average elevation in meters if 'elevation_m' field is empty. However, if a range in elevation (i.e. 50–500&nbsp;ft) is desired, use the 'max' and 'min' fields below.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Elevation footnoteselevation_footnotes

Reference(s) for elevation. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Point of min elevationelevation_min_point

The name of the point of lowest elevation in the place.

[[Death Valley]]
Sətirməcburi deyil
Minimum elevation (m)elevation_min_m

The minimum elevation in meters.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Minimum elevation (ft)elevation_min_ft

The minimum elevation in feet.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Minimum elevation rankelevation_min_rank

The point of minimum elevation's rank in the parent region.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Min elevation footnoteselevation_min_footnotes

Footnotes or citations for the minimum elevation.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Point of max elevationelevation_max_point

The name of the point of highest elevation in the place.

[[Mount Everest]]
Sətirməcburi deyil
Maximum elevation (m)elevation_max_m

The maximum elevation in meters.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Maximum elevation (ft)elevation_max_ft

The maximum elevation in feet.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Maximum elevation rankelevation_max_rank

The point of maximum elevation's rank in the parent region.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Max elevation footnoteselevation_max_footnotes

Footnotes or citations for the maximum elevation.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Population totalpopulation_total

Actual population (see below for estimates) preferably consisting of digits only (without any commas).

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Population total figure's yearpopulation_as_of

The year for the population total (usually a census year).

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Population footnotespopulation_footnotes

Reference(s) for population; placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Population density (per square km)population_density_km2

The place's population density per square kilometer.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Population density (per square mi)population_density_sq_mi

The place's population density per square mile.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Population estimatepopulation_est

Population estimate, e.g. for growth projections 4 years after a census.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Population estimate figure as ofpop_est_as_of

The year, or the month and year, of the population estimate.

Tarixməcburi deyil
Population estimate footnotespop_est_footnotes

Reference(s) for population estimate; placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags.

<ref name="USCensusEst2016"/>
Məzmunməcburi deyil
Urban populationpopulation_urban

The place's urban population.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Urban population footnotespopulation_urban_footnotes

Reference(s) for urban population; placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Ubran population density (per square km)population_density_urban_km2

The place's urban population density per square kilometer.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Urban population density (per square mi)population_density_urban_sq_mi

The place's urban population density per square mile.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Rural populationpopulation_rural

The place's rural population.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Rural population footnotespopulation_rural_footnotes

Reference(s) for rural population; placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Rural population density per sq. kmpopulation_density_rural_km2

The place's rural population density per square kilometer.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Rural population density per sq. mipopulation_density_rural_sq_mi

The place's rural population density per square mile.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area populationpopulation_metro

Population of the place's metropolitan area.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Metropolitan area population footnotespopulation_metro_footnotes

Reference(s) for metro population; placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Metropolitan population density per sq. kmpopulation_density_metro_km2

The place's metropolitan area's population density per square kilometer.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Metropolitan population density per sq. mipopulation_density_metro_sq_mi

The place's metropolitan area's population density per square mile.

Nömrəməcburi deyil
Population rankpopulation_rank

The settlement's population, as ranked within its parent sub-division.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Population density rankpopulation_density_rank

The settlement's population density, as ranked within its parent sub-division.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 1 titlepopulation_blank1_title

Can be used for estimates. For an example, see Windsor, Ontario.

See: [[Windsor, Ontario]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 1population_blank1

The population value for 'blank1_title'.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 1 density per sq. kmpopulation_density_blank1_km2

Population density per square kilometer, according to the 1st custom population type.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 1 density per sq. mipopulation_density_blank1_sq_mi

Population density per square mile, according to the 1st custom population type.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 2 titlepopulation_blank2_title

Can be used for estimates. For an example, see Windsor, Ontario.

See: [[Windsor, Ontario]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 2population_blank2

The population value for 'blank2_title'.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 2 density per sq. kmpopulation_density_blank2_km2

Population density per square kilometer, according to the 2nd custom population type.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Custom population type 2 density per sq. mipopulation_density_blank2_sq_mi

Population density per square mile, according to the 2nd custom population type.

Mətnməcburi deyil

A demonym or gentilic is a word that denotes the members of a people or the inhabitants of a place. For example, a citizen in Liverpool is known as a Liverpudlian.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Population notepopulation_note

A place for additional information such as the name of the source. See Windsor, Ontario, for an example.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Demographics type 1demographics_type1

A sub-section header.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Demographics section 1 footnotesdemographics1_footnotes

Reference(s) for demographics section 1. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Demographics section 1 title 1demographics1_title1

Titles related to demographics_type1. For example: 'White', 'Black', 'Hispanic'... Additional rows 'demographics1_title1' to 'demographics1_title5' are also available.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Demographics type 2demographics_type2

A second sub-section header.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Demographics section 2 footnotesdemographics2_footnotes

Reference(s) for demographics section 2. Placed within <nowiki><ref> </ref></nowiki> tags, possibly using the citing format at {{Cite web}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Demographics section 2 title 1demographics2_title1

Titles related to 'demographics_type1'. For example: 'English', 'French', 'Arabic'... Additional rows 'demographics2_title2' to 'demographics1_title5' are also available.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Demographics section 2 info 1demographics2_info1

Information related to the titles. For example: '50%', '25%', '10%'... Additional rows 'demographics2_info2' to 'demographics2_info5' are also available.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Timezone 1timezone1

The place's primary time-zone.

[[Eastern Standard Time]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
UTC offsetutc_offset

The place's time-zone's offset from UTC.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Timezone during DSTtimezone_DST

The place's time-zone during daylight savings time, if applicable.

[[Eastern Daylight Time]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
UTC offset during DSTutc_offset_DST

The place's time-zone's UTC offset during daylight savings time, if applicable.

Mətnməcburi deyil
UTC offset 1utc_offset1

The place's primary time-zone's offset from UTC.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Timezone 1 (during DST)timezone1_DST

The place's primary time-zone during daylight savings time, if applicable.

[[Eastern Daylight Time]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
UTC offset 1 (during DST)utc_offset1_DST

The place's primary time-zone's UTC offset during daylight savings time, if applicable.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Timezone 2timezone2

A second timezone field for larger areas such as a province.

[[Central Standard Time]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
UTC offset 2utc_offset2

The place's secondary time-zone's offset from UTC.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Timezone 2 during DSTtimezone2_DST

The place's secondary time-zone during daylight savings time, if applicable.

[[Central Daylight Time]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
UTC offset 2 during DSTutc_offset2_DST

The place's secondary time-zone's offset from UTC during daylight savings time, if applicable.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Postal code typepostal_code_type

Label used for postal code info, e.g. 'ZIP Code'. Defaults to 'Postal code'.

[[Postal code of China|Postal code]]
Mətnməcburi deyil
Postal codepostal_code

The place's postal code/zip code.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Postal code 2 typepostal2_code_type

If applicable, the place's second postal code type.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Postal code 2postal2_code

A second postal code of the place, if applicable.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Area codearea_code

The regions' telephone area code.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Area code typearea_code_type

If left blank/not used, template will default to 'Area code(s)'.

Mətnməcburi deyil

See [[Geocode]].

Mətnməcburi deyil
ISO 3166 codeiso_code

See ISO 3166.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Registration/license plate inforegistration_plate

See Vehicle registration plate.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank name section 1blank_name_sec1

Fields used to display other information. The name is displayed in bold on the left side of the infobox.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank info section 1blank_info_sec1

The information associated with the 'blank_name_sec1' heading. The info is displayed on the right side of the infobox in the same row as the name. For an example, see [[Warsaw]].

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Blank 1 name section 1blank1_name_sec1

Up to 7 additional fields 'blank1_name_sec1' ... 'blank7_name_sec1' can be specified.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank 1 info section 1blank1_info_sec1

Up to 7 additional fields 'blank1_info_sec1' ... 'blank7_info_sec1' can be specified.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Blank name section 2blank_name_sec2

For a second section of blank fields.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank info section 2blank_info_sec2

The information associated with the 'blank_name_sec2' heading. The info is displayed on right side of infobox, in the same row as the name. For an example, see [[Warsaw]].

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Blank 1 name section 2blank1_name_sec2

Up to 7 additional fields 'blank1_name_sec2' ... 'blank7_name_sec2' can be specified.

Mətnməcburi deyil
Blank 1 info section 2blank1_info_sec2

Up to 7 additional fields 'blank1_info_sec2' ... 'blank7_info_sec2' can be specified.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Official website in Englishwebsite

External link to official website. Use the {{URL}} template, thus: {{URL|example.com}}.

Mətnməcburi deyil

Text to be displayed at the bottom of the infobox.

Məzmunməcburi deyil
Language 1 first transcription translit_lang1_info1

Transcription of type 1 in the first other language.

Sətirməcburi deyil
Language 1 first transcription typetranslit_lang1_type1

Type of transcription used in the first language's first transcription.

[[Chinese Language|Chinese]]
Sətirməcburi deyil
Language 1 second transcription translit_lang1_info2

Transcription of type 1 in the first other language.

{{lang|ta|நெகிரி செம்பிலான்}}
Sətirməcburi deyil
Language 1 second transcription typetranslit_lang1_type2

Type of transcription used in the first language's first transcription.

[[Tamil Language|Tamil]]
Sətirməcburi deyil
Demographics section 1 info 1demographics1_info1

Information related to the titles. For example: '50%', '25%', '10%'... Additional rows 'demographics1_info1' to 'demographics1_info5' are also available.

Məzmunməcburi deyil

Calls and redirects


At least 0 other templates call this one.

Several templates redirect here.

Tracking categories

  1. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with a dot map (0)
  2. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with bad settlement type (0)
  3. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with image map1 but not image map (0)
  4. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with imprecise region codes (0)
  5. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with missing country (0)
  6. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with no map (0)
  7. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with no coordinates (0)
  8. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with possible area code list (0)
  9. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with possible demonym list (0)
  10. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with possible motto list (0)
  11. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with possible nickname list (0)
  12. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with the wikidata parameter (0)
  13. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with unknown parameters (0)
  14. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with conflicting parameters (0)
  15. Kateqoriya:Pages using infobox settlement with ignored type (0)
  16. Kateqoriya:Templates calling Infobox settlement (0)