Bencamin Franklin Norris (ing. Benjamin Franklin Norris; 5 mart 1870[2][3][…], Çikaqo, İllinoys[4] – 25 oktyabr 1902[2][3][…], San-Fransisko, Kaliforniya[4]) — Amerikan yazıçısı, jurnalisti və romançısı.
Frank Norris | |
ing. Benjamin Franklin Norris | |
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Doğum adı | Bencamin Frenklin Norris |
Təxəllüsü | Frenk Norris |
Doğum tarixi | |
Doğum yeri | Çikaqo, İllinoys, ABŞ |
Vəfat tarixi | (32 yaşında) |
Vəfat yeri | San-Fransisko, Kaliforniya, ABŞ |
Vəfat səbəbi | peritonit |
Dəfn yeri | |
Vətəndaşlığı |
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Milliyyəti | amerikan |
Təhsili | Berkli Kaliforniya Universiteti |
Fəaliyyəti | yazıçı, romançı, jurnalist |
Fəaliyyət illəri | 1898—1902 |
Əsərlərinin dili | ingilis |
İstiqamət | naturalizm |
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Həyat və fəaliyyəti
redaktəFrank Norris 5 mart 1870-ci ildə İllinoys ştatının Çikaqo şəhərində anadan olmuşdur. Onun atası Çikaqolu biznesmen Bencamin, anası Qertrude Qlorvina Doqqet isə olmuşdur. 1890-cı ildə Berkli Kaliforniya Universitetinə daxil olmuş, 1894-cü ildə oranı bitirmişdir. Yaradıcılığında fransız yazıçısı Emil Zolyanın təsiri olmuşdur. 1892-ci ildə romantik poemaları "İnterval, Feodal Fransası nağılı" (ing. Yvernell, A Tale of Feudal France" romantik poemasını nəşr etdirmişdir. "Vandover və heyvan" (1895; nəşri 1914), "Maktiq" (1893-1897, nəşri 1899) romanlarında Amerika həyat tərzi tənqid olunur. Yaradıcılığının zirvəsi sayılan "Qaniçən" (1901, tamamlanmış "Taxıl eposu" trilogiyasının 1-ci hissəsi) tarixi romanında amerikan xalqının imperialist inhisarlara qarşı mübarzəsi təsvir olunur. Frank Norris 25 oktyabr 1902-ci ildə Kaliforniya ştatının San-Fransisko şəhərində vəfat etmişdir.
redaktə- Åhnebrink, Lars (1961). The Beginnings of Naturalism in American Fiction: A Study of the Works of Hamlin Garland, Stephen Crane, and Frank Norris. New York: Russell & Russell .
- Anderson, Grace E. (1933). A Dictionary of Characters in the Novels of Frank Norris. University of Kansas.
- Armes, William Dallam (1902). "Concerning the Work of the Late Frank Norris," Sunset, Vol. X, pp. 165–167.
- Bechter, Leslie G. (1939). Frank Norris: his Place in the Development of the American Novel. State University of Iowa.
- Bixler, Paul H. (1934). "Frank Norris's Literary Reputation," American Literature, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 109–121.
- Borus, Daniel H. (1989). Writing Realism: Howells, James, and Norris in the Mass Market. University of North Carolina Press.
- Boyd, Jennifer (1993). Frank Norris: Spatial Form and Narrative Time. New York: Peter Lang Pub. Incorporated.
- Brooks, Van Wyck (1952). "Frank Norris and Jack London." In: The Confident Years: 1885–1915. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co.
- Brown, Deming Bronson (1942). The Development of the Use of Symbolism in the Novels of Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), University of Washington.
- Cargill, Oscar (1941). Intellectual America. New York: The Macmillan Company.
- Clarke, Robert Montgomery (1932). Contemporary American Novelists: Frank Norris. (M. A. Thesis), Stanford University.
- Clift, Denison Hailey (1907). "The Artist in Frank Norris," The Pacific Monthly, Vol. XVII, pp. 313–322.
- Cooper, Frederic Taber (1899). "Frank Norris, Realist," The Bookman, Vol. 10, pp. 234–238.
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- Davison, Richard Allan (1981). "Frank Norris and the Arts of Social Criticism," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 77–89.
- Dillingham, William B. (1969). Frank Norris: Instinct and Art. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Dobie, Charles Caldwell (1928). "Frank Norris, or, up from Culture," The American Mercury, Vol. 13, pp. 412–424.
- East, Jr., Harry M. (1912). "A Lesson from Frank Norris," Overland monthly, Vol. 60, pp. 633–634.
- Frohock, Wilbur Merrill (1968). Frank Norris. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Garland, Hamlin (1903). "The Work of Frank Norris," The Critic, Vol. XLII, pp. 216–218.
- Ghodes, Clarence Louis Frank (1951). "The Facts of Life versus Pleasant Reading." In: The Literature of the American People. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, pp. 737–762.
- Goodrich, Arthur (1902). "Frank Norris," Current Literature, Vol. XXXIII, p. 764.
- Goodrich, Arthur (1903). "Norris, the Man," Current Literature, Vol. XXXIV, p. 105.
- Goldsmith, Arnold Smith (1953). Free Will, Determinism and Social Responsibility in the Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Frank Norris and Henry James. (Ph.D. Dissertation), University of Wisconsin.
- Goldsmith, Arnold Smith (1958). "The Development of Frank Norris's Philosophy." In: Studies in Honor of John Wilcox. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
- Graham, Don (1978). The Fiction of Frank Norris: The Aesthetic Context. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.
- Grattan, C. Hartley (1929). "Frank Norris," The Bookman, Vol. 69, pp. 506–510.
- Harrison, Robert (1941). The Writings of Frank Norris as Viewed by his Contemporaries. (M.A. Thesis), Ohio University.
- Hart, James D. (1970). A Novelist in the Making: Frank Norris. Harvard University Press.
- Hill, Marion V. (1954). A Study of Thematic Forces in the Novels of Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), Bownling Green State University.
- Hill, John Stanley (1960). Frank Norris's Heroines. University of Wisconsin.
- Hochman, Barbara (1988). The Art of Frank Norris, Storyteller. University of Missouri Press ISBN 0-8262-0663-8
- Howells, William Dean (1965). "Frank Norris (1870–1902)." In: Criticism and Fiction. New York University Press, pp. 276–282.
- Hussman, Lawrence E. (1998). Harbingers of a Century: The Novels of Frank Norris. New York: Peter Lang Pub Inc.
- Johnson, George W. (1961). "Frank Norris and Romance," American Literature, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 52–63.
- Kaplan, Charles (1952). Frank Norris and the Craft of Fiction. (Ph.D. Dissertation), Northwestern University.
- Kusler, Gerald E. (1950). The Evolution of Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), State University of Iowa.
- Kwiat, Joseph J. (1953). "The Newspaper Experience: Crane, Norris and Dreiser," Nineteenth Century Fiction, Vol. VIII, pp. 99–117.
- Letizia, Louise M. (1950). Frank Norris: A Study in Contrasts and Contradictions. (M.A. Thesis), University of Pittsburgh.
- Logue, Charles William (1949). Frank Norris: A Study in Romantic Realism. (M.A. Thesis), St. John University.
- Marchand, Ernest (1942). Frank Norris: A Study. Oxford University Press.
- Matthews, Margaret Moore (1937). Frank Norris: Pioneer Realist. (M.A. Thesis), University of South Carolina.
- McCormick, Paul S. (1931). Frank Norris and the American Epic. (M.A. Thesis), Columbia University.
- McElrath, Joseph R. (1978). "Frank Norris: A Biographical Essay," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 219–234.
- McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. (1988). Frank Norris and the Wave: A Bibliography. New York: Garland Pub.
- McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. (1992). Frank Norris: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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- McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. and Crisler, Jesse S. (2006). Frank Norris: A Life. University of Illinois Press ISBN 0-252-03016-8 (the definitive biography of Norris)
- McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. and Crisler, Jesse S. (2013). Frank Norris Remembered. University of Alabama Press.
- McGinn, Richard Joseph (1954). The Characterization of Women in the Novels of Frank Norris. (M.A Thesis), Columbia University.
- Mitchell, Marvin O'Neill (1953). A Study of Realistic and Romantic Elements in the Fiction of E. W. Howe, Joseph Kirkland, Hamlin Garland and Harold Frederic and Frank Norris, 1882–1902. (Ph.D. Dissertation), University of North Carolina .
- Musich, Gerald Donald (1973). Frank Norris' Character Types. University of Wisconsin–Madison .
- Norris, Charles G. (1914). Frank Norris, 1870–1902. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co.
- Pallette, Drew B. (1934). The Theories and Practice of Frank Norris as Related to his California Background. (M.A. Thesis), University of Southern California.
- Parrington, Vernon Louis (1928). "The Development of Realism." In: The Reinterpretation of American Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
- Patee, Fred Lewis (1937). The New American Literature, 1890–1930. New York: D. Appleton-Century Company.
- Phillips, Marion B. (1922). Aspects of the Naturalistic Novel in America. (M.A. Thesis), University of California.
- Piper, Henry Dan (1956). "Frank Norris and Scott Fitzgerald," Huntington Library Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 393–400.
- Pizer, Donald (1958). "Romantic Individualism in Garland, Norris and Crane," American Quarterly, Vol. X, No. 4, pp. 463–475.
- Pizer, Donald (1966). The Novels of Frank Norris. Indiana University Press .
- Preston, Harriet Waters (1903). "The Novels of Mr. Norris," Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XCI, pp. 691–692.
- Ramsay, Orrington Cozzens (1950). Frank Norris and Environment. (Ph.D. Dissertation), University of Wisconsin.
- Rosa, Matthew Whiting (1929). Frank Norris. (M.A. Thesis), Columbia University.
- Smith, Allan Lloyd (1995). "Frank Norris: The Crisis of Representation," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 74–83.
- Spector, Michael Jay (1962). Frank Norris and Human Nature. University of Wisconsin–Madison.
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- Thorp, Willard (1960). American Writing in the Twentieth Century. Harvard University Press.
- Todd, Frank M. (1902). "Frank Norris, Student, Author and Man," University of California Magazine, Vol. VIII, pp. 349–356.
- Toher, Martha Dimes (1982). "'The Music of the Spheres': The Diapason in Frank Norris's Works," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 166–181.
- Underwood, John Curtis (1914). "Frank Norris." In: Literature and Insurgency. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, pp. 130–178.
- Walker, Franklin (1932). Frank Norris: A Biography. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc.
Xarici keçidlər
redaktə- Əsərləri və ya müəllifi olduğu işlər: Frank Norris İnternet arxivində
- Works by Frank Norris,
- Works by Frank Norris
- Guide to the Frank Norris Collection
- Frank Norris Page at the William Dean Howells Society; includes links to works on the web, bibliography, index to Frank Norris Studies Arxivləşdirilib 2013-04-14 at
- Digital collection
- Romanticist Under the Skin
- 5 short radio episodes "Bestial Welter"[ölü keçid], "Nourisher of Nations"[ölü keçid] and "The Octopus"[ölü keçid] from The Octopus; "Polk Street"[ölü keçid] from McTeague and "Two Voices"[ölü keçid] from The Santa Cruz Venetian Carnival by Frank Norris. California Legacy Project.
redaktə- ↑ Find a Grave (ing.). 1996.
- ↑ 1 2 Frank Norris // Encyclopædia Britannica (ing.).
- ↑ 1 2 Frank Norris // Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ing.). 1995.
- ↑ 1 2 Норрис Фрэнк // Большая советская энциклопедия (rus.): [в 30 т.]. / под ред. А. М. Прохорова 3-е изд. Москва: Советская энциклопедия, 1969.